Chapter 20: Kiss Me

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Chapter 20: Kiss Me

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

"Callie," Brooklyn started finding the orthopedic surgeon in the hallway. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Brooklyn, what'd you need?" Callie responded. It wasn't often Brooklyn asked Callie for advice so she was slightly caught off guard but they had grown closer since Brooklyn and Sofia began spending more time together.

Brooklyn arranged her thoughts for a moment. Her mind was racing and had been since sharing the kiss with Jules about a week ago now. "H-how did you-how did you know you were into girls?"

Callie turned her head to the teen, slightly taken aback by the question. She didn't think she and Brooklyn were that close. She laughed slightly, "What?"

Brooklyn's eyes remained wide. "I mean- I have this friend and she had this encounter with another girl. There was-uh-kissing and stuff-not like sex stuff though I'm not even really sure what stuff means in this situation but that's not important I don't think-and she liked it. But I-I mean she-she always thought she was into guys. And I was just wondering-I don't know-I was just wondering what to make of it."

"You have a friend huh?" Callie arched an eyebrow. Brooklyn gave a quick nod. "Does this friend have a name?"

"Uh-no." Brooklyn shook her head.

"She doesn't have a name?"

Brooklyn sighed. "Okay-fine-my friend is me but I still need the advice. Jules and I got really close the other day and I liked it...I-I-I think anyway. It felt good. And please don't tell my parents I'm telling you any of this because I mean I doubt they'll freak out or anything but I want to be the one to tell them if there is anything to tell them. And I'm sorry I'm just kind of talking at you like this but I'm really nervous and I'm just like my mom. I'm sorry."

"Brooklyn-Brooklyn it's okay." Callie slowed the teen down. "I freaked out a little too. I mean, I think some freak out is normal. If you really like her though, I'd say go for it. Does she make you happy?"

Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah. She does. This whole thing just kind of came out of left field though."

"Brooklyn, if she makes you happy, she makes you happy. And that's really what's important."

"How did you know? With Arizona, I mean. How did you know?"

"I couldn't get her out of my head. She was always there. I couldn't stop thinking about her. And it took me a while to realize what that meant but I realized that she was who I wanted to be with. Brooklyn, you're young. Nothing is decided now, but if she gives you butterflies, if she consumes your thoughts, if she is making you happy, don't fight it."

Brooklyn smiled. "Thank you. I was scared. I thought I was going crazy. So thank you."

"You're welcome." Callie smiled back. "You're going to need to talk to your parents though, kid."

"I know." Brooklyn nodded.

Brooklyn walked the halls of the hospital for a while. She knew that Jules had an appointment so she was going to be around. Finally she came across her. "Jules. Hey. Can we talk?" Brooklyn walked into an empty room. "You make me happy. The kind of happy where you consume my thoughts and actions and my whole life. I want to spend every moment with you. Thinking about you gives me butterflies. And when you kissed me the other day... when you kissed me, yeah I was terrified. It was crazy and something I'd never thought I'd do. But I-I'm so glad I did. You make me happy."

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