Chapter 19: Recovery

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Chapter 19: Recovery

I defined

I designed

My recovery

***A/N: Hey sorry this is late. We've been moving and I was at camp all week last week so I haven't gotten the chance to do much writing. Although, I have been writing some one shots here and there. I did just post a new one-shot called "When You have a Child". Go check it out! And enjoy this chapter!***

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to work?" Mark asked carefully. This wasn't the first time he'd asked and he knew the question was starting to bother her but he couldn't stop himself from checking.

Lexie looked to him, obviously annoyed by the question. "Mark, for the thousandth time, I'm fine. I'll be fine." She stressed.

"I'm just saying that it's only been 6 weeks. You can take more time off if you need it."

"But I don't need it. I'm ready to go back to work. I'm going crazy just sitting around the house. I need to cut someone open."

Brooklyn walked into the room, catching the last line of what Lexie was saying. "You know, if someone heard you say that and they didn't know you were both surgeons they'd probably put you in jail."

"You think you're cute don't you?" Lexie arched an eyebrow, obviously irritated.

"Excuse me, I know I'm cute. Thank you very much." Brooklyn grinned.

"Wow she really is your daughter." Mark added.

Lexie rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Mark, I'm going back today. I cannot sit in this house for one more day."

"I guess you know you the best."

"Thank you." Lexie nodded.

Looking up at the building before her, Lexie thought back. The last time she walked into this building she walked away childless. She walked away broken and battered. Although the loss of her child was something she would never fully recover from, she was on the mend. She took a breath and walked into the hospital.

"Lexie. You're back." Derek noted with a nod.

"I am back. Please tell me you aren't going to say to take more time because I've already had enough of that from my daughter and fiance."

"I was going to say welcome back."

"Thank you." Lexie nodded. "So what's been happening around here the past six weeks."

"I actually have something I might need your help on. If you aren't ready i understand but I could really use your help."

"I've always been one for a challenge."

Derek nodded. "Come with me."

Lexie stopped when the reached the door of the NICU. "What are we doing?" She asked. Her eyes filled with concern.

"Addison has a kid, 32 weeks, with one of the most severe cases of spina bifida i have ever seen. Like i said, if you aren't ready..."

"No. Let's do it." walking into the NICU again brought back a lot of emotions for Lexie. It wasn't too long before then that she was the scared parent watching from the sidelines as her child was lying helpless and in pain. But if she could give someone their child's life, Mason's suffering would not go in vain.

"This- is Leah." Derek introduced. "she seems to be doing well thus far but she needs surgery within the next 24 hours to reduce risk of infection."

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