Chapter 2: The (Shipped) Gold Standard

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Chapter 2: The (Shipped) Gold Standard

I wanna scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs

But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me

You can only blame your problems on the world for so long

Before it all becomes the same old song

Brooklyn groaned as she sat up in the bed with the unrelenting beeping of her mom's alarm clock ringing in her ears. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes before shaking her mother out of sleep. As she slowly rose from the bed she sighed and walked into the bathroom to start getting ready. Moving sluggishly, the two finally made it out of the house along with the others, jetlag making it harder to wake themselves up.

As she walked into the hospital Brooklyn found it so much different than Mass. Gen. in Boston. It was so bright and open. There were windows covering the whole front wall and a cat walk so you could see a few floors up from the ground floor. It felt so much bigger and so new, it kind of intimidated her.

Lexie, on the other hand, was intimidated for different reasons. Unlike Brooklyn, Lexie knew this hospital like the back of her hand. It had been no problem for her to memorize the layout. It no longer felt huge to her. For Lexie, there were so many people she hadn't seen in years, so many people that she just up and left, and now she was back with a different life. Her career path had stayed the same, but everything else was different. She was different. She also knew Mark was somewhere in the hospital. She wasn't frightened of him, she was frightened of the feelings she would have for him. She had told herself for years that she didn't love him and he was nothing to her anymore, but she knew it wasn't true. Everytime Brooklyn would do something that reminded her of Mark there was a pang in her chest that she so often ignored.

Lexie and Brooklyn headed upstairs to the surgical floor. Meeting up with Derek they headed over to pediatric to meet their patient and meet with Alex and Arizona. Their patient was a 8 year old girl with a brain tumor that other doctors said was inoperable. Derek Shepherd begged to differ and decided to come up with a plan to remove this girl's tumor, but he needed some help. That's where Lexie came in. Today they were going to come up with a plan after taking more scans to see how the tumor had grown in the past couple of weeks. Brooklyn was going to observe.

"Nice to have you back, Lexie." Arizona smiled in her usual perky self. "Now who's your shadow?"

"This is Brooklyn, my daughter. Brooklyn, this is Arizona, or Dr. Robbins." Brooklyn smiled and shook Arizona's hand before Lexie continued. "She's one of Sofia's moms."

"You can call me Arizona." The blond assured sticking out her hand for Brooklyn to shake. "Sofia should be around here somewhere. You'll probably find her later."

"Little Grey?" Lexie heard a familiar voice call. Turning around she saw Alex walking her way. "Did you finally come crawling back to us?"

"Little Grey?" Brooklyn whispered but she didn't get an answer. Her mom always called her that when she was little, she did so even now sometimes. She didn't know that was her nickname.

"Karev." Lexie smiled. "Only for the time being. I'm here to help Derek on Elana's case."

"Who's the kid?" He asked.

"My daughter, Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Dr. Alex Karev." Brooklyn gave a small wave and hello. She still wasn't a morning person, even in what is quickly becoming her favorite place.

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