CHAPTER 32: Building Moments

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Sorry for the late update 💔

Nothing to say, just Enjoy!!!😘❤️

🚨WARNING: Contains explicit content, of you want to skip that part you'll find it highlighted with warning emojis.🚨

The morning sun filtered softly through the curtains, casting warm, golden light across the bedroom. Lucy stretched in bed, savoring the peace that filled the room. It was a welcome contrast to the chaotic mornings they had gotten used to, with three little ones filling their lives with laughter and energy. Rolling over, she spotted Tim still asleep, his handsome features relaxed in slumber. A smile crept onto her face as she watched him for a moment, the love she felt for him swelling in her chest.

"Hey, sleepyhead," she whispered, leaning over to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Tim stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Mmm... is it morning already?" he groaned playfully, stretching his arms above his head before his eyes focused on Lucy. "Ah, there's my beautiful wife. Good morning."

"Good morning," she replied, her heart racing as she took in the sight of him. "Ready to tackle another day of parenting chaos?"

"Always," he said with a smirk, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. "Though I'd much rather tackle some chaos with you than change diapers."

Lucy chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, you might have to change a few today. I think I heard Lena waking up earlier."

Tim groaned playfully, throwing the covers off as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "All right, all right. I'll be the diaper-changing hero of the day. Just for you."

She loved how he could always lighten the mood. Tim stood and moved to the bathroom, and Lucy took a moment to admire him as he walked away. His body had changed since becoming a father, but in all the right ways. He was still strong and fit, but there was a warmth to him that she adored.

Lucy slipped out of bed, quickly getting dressed and heading to the twins' room. As she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Emma and Ethan sitting in their cribs, wide awake and ready for action.

"Morning, munchkins!" she greeted, walking over to them. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mama! Cookies!" Ethan exclaimed, waving his arms in the air, while Emma babbled in agreement, her little hands reaching out for Lucy.

Lucy laughed, picking Emma up and holding her close. "Yes, I know you want cookies, but we need to eat something healthy first, okay?"

"Pancakes!" Emma chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Pancakes it is!" Lucy declared, settling Ethan in her other arm. "But first, let's get you both dressed. We can't have pancake-eating toddlers running around in their pajamas, can we?"

As she dressed them, Lucy couldn't help but marvel at how quickly they were growing. Their little personalities were blossoming, each of them showing glimpses of who they would become. Emma's curiosity and Ethan's cheekiness were a delightful combination, keeping Lucy on her toes.

With the twins dressed and Tim finally joining them, they headed to the kitchen. Tim busied himself flipping pancakes while Lucy set the table, her heart swelling at the sight of their little family.

"Hey, you two, can you say 'thank you, Daddy'?" Lucy encouraged, watching as Emma and Ethan wobbled toward Tim.

"Thank you, Dada!" they shouted together, their tiny voices ringing with delight.

"Best pancakes in the world!" Tim replied, puffing out his chest proudly. "Made with love, of course."

After breakfast, the family gathered in the living room. Tim and Lucy watched as Emma and Ethan attempted to build a tower with their blocks, giggling when the structure inevitably toppled over.

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