Part 22 - Trouble

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~Chilled's POV~

What am I doing? Staring at the ceiling for a long time I breathe in smoothly trying to calm my lower half down. In reality it'd probably take less time to just jack it but I didn't want to go back to chasing after Nanners and trying to think through who he is. He's a fuck and I hate him deeply but there is something about him that I feel hesitant to approach the details on. My mind thinks back to what he had said earlier but I immediately shut it out. He was right about one thing, I shouldn't question him when I'm not prepared for the answer. Just don't think about it and I should be fine, everyone has a little bit of selective attention why the hell shouldn't I? Taking a deep breath after I've calmed down I slide my shirt down again and roll of the bed, hesitating when my feet land the ground and I spot my things pushed against the wall. The fucker didn't even ask for permission. I sigh and flinch when I feel pain in my stomach and I grasp onto my stomach. He really was a lot more harsh this time. Besides this time the only time he physically hurt me was the very first day we met. Taking deep breaths I shake my head and open the door to my room, glancing around cautiously as if he had somehow stayed around but when I see Sark laid out on the couch I immediately rush towards him.

"Sark? Are you alright?" I ask and place my hand on his forehead and sigh in relief. He's calm, he's breathing peacefully and his position is just an extremely relaxed position. What the fuck did he just fall asleep on the job? That's impossible, he was freaking out after getting that call from Ze that Nanners hadn't met with the usual midnight meetings. Glancing around luckily I find that Miranda had left at least. Looking around I feel a wave of exhaustion hit me when I think back on all night. I've had enough with this, I feel the energy being drained from me with each Nanners encounter and just thinking on everything going on. I swear with the stress Nanners and Adam are giving me is killing me.

"Chilled?!" I glance back towards the front door where someone is slamming on the poor door with their fists. Stepping back to the door as soon as I open it Ze charges in followed by several police officers all charging inside and investigating every inch of the room. I stare at them as they move around through all of my rooms while acknowledging Ze and Gassy as they walk around me and approach Sark on the couch.

"What happened?" Gassy asks as Ze approaches Sark, checking up on him as I did a moment ago. I stare at Gassy for a while before taking a deep breath and holding my hands up before letting them down in anger.

"After we got the call that we may be in danger Sark locked me up in my room where Nanners happened to be. He fucked me up and when I came out Sark was like this," I explain and Gassy immediately glares deeply and turns away from me.

"Fuck. How is he just so damn lucky? There was no way for him to know it was with you. The plan literally was just made when you walked into the office no one could have told. This is bullshit," Gassy snaps, slamming his fist into the wall causing me to flinch just at how much that seems to hurt. I'm pissed off too but I still feel a bit of aftershock after what Nanners did to me. It was the first time I felt lonely after he left and wanted him to stay. You can't blame me, a guy should know how to pleasure a fellow guy and at some point us men no longer think with our heads. "By the way, you okay?" Gassy suddenly asks and I blink, coming back into reality and smile reassuringly to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got beat around a bit," I explain and he frowns, turning his attention to me.

"What? Where?" I hesitate before lifting my shirt a bit, a bruise already forming where Nanners had hurt me. Gassy frowns and looks over the skin, observing a bit before turning away from me and we both notice Ze frowning as he also observes. Before any of us can say anything my phone suddenly rings and I flinch, nodding before turning away from them. When I'm far away from the noise in my house I pull my phone out and look to the screen, a bit shocked at the name. Hesitating, I hold up the phone to my ear as I open the back door to escape from the noise.

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