Part 9 - Attempted Theft

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~Nanners' POV~

Have I ever thought a guy was so cute as much as I think Chilled is cute? When he hurries to pick up the red ball and shuffles his feet nervously towards the entrance of the lane, his cheeks still flushed from our conversation and obviously avoiding any interaction with me. My eyes follow him as I find myself giggling without noticing, but while I'm over here I buy a few water bottles before approaching our little area again, handing out some water bottles to our group. Gassy glances over at me and nods a thank you as I take my seat beside him. Although I had sincerely been very annoyed with this man for the past few days he's actually a nice guy and I seem to get along very well with him, although I still feel a bit of annoyance whenever he looks at Chilled or even when Chilled so much as looks at Gassy or speaks a word to him.

"Hey Adam, you moved here recently right?" Gassy asks suddenly making me glance over at him and hesitate a bit before nodding. "What made you want to come here? It's a nice town and all, even though we have a huge population but most just come to visit." I sigh and glance away. To be completely truthful, a part of the reason I came was because I heard the crime rates here were extremely low in such a big town too so I felt it was like a challenge. I had assumed the police force here must be amazing to not have many crime rates but as I've stayed here longer I just found out that most of the people that live here just aren't... bad. I mean there are messed up people here for sure but no one really commits huge crimes, it's a robbery which is on the top of the list right now rather than huge murderers in other towns.

"I didn't have any reason to, Cathy wanted to come here especially since she had a friend in this town," I explain and Gassy nods thoughtfully. I'll have to apologize to Cathy later for using her as an excuse but it's the best one I've got. Her and Jess are really good friends anyways and Cathy's accquaintances in town along with her job worked out.

"Cathy knows... Chilled?" Gassy asks confused and I quickly shake my head. So Chilled hasn't told him how we met. Somehow it relieves me, just the fact that Chilled doesn't tell Gassy everything when Ze most certainly knows about me from Chilled. Maybe I'm being paranoid with Gassy when Gassy himself told me he has a girlfriend.

"No, she knows Jess. She and Jess planned a double date dinner thing and that's how Chilled and I met," I explain and Gassy nods again thoughtfully before turning to view Chilled. I join him and instantly smirk when I see him smiling widely towards Ze while saying something I can't hear. He's already forgotten he was embarrassed a moment ago and now wears his cute dimples proudly as he seems to be gloating about himself. Even from here I can practically feel the confidence and self pride emitting from him. For a second my mind goes blank until I realize I never exactly told Cathy when I'd be back like usual. I pull out my phone and Gassy turns to Diction as he approaches again while I glance down at my phone and notice Cathy has called me several times. A bit worried I nearly call her but somehow I don't feel like worrying my new friends so I just ask her what's up through a text. She'll be fine with it.

Glancing up I notice Chilled smiling and talking with Ze as the board lights up signaling it's my turn. Dragging myself up I nod to Gassy who wishes me luck as I approach the land, casually passing by Chilled who noticeably tenses up as I pass by. I take a deep breath before I pick up the yellow ball and move the ball in my hands feeling a bit of hatred towards it after it's previous results. Although I attempt to focus completely I feel the burn behind my head from Chilled's stare. I'm not very sure as to why Chilled is so interested in me but I can't help but hope for the best and that he isn't suspicious of me. I have to admit that leaving near midnight on the day of a SeaNanners attack should have been suspicious but we somehow only became better friends after that day.

Tossing the ball with a strong force the ball only collides into the three pins on the very edge, not doing much to my high confidence but I faintly listen to Ze and Gassy try and cheer me on by pointing out it's at least a lot better than my last time, twice into the gutter. Although I just frown and glance back at my supporters I notice Chilled staring at me blankly and immediately looking toward Ze when I met his eyes. Geez, he doesn't have to turn away right away like that even if he is obviously trying to keep something from me. Slowly his eyes begin to glance back at me and I quickly smirk and give him a wink making his immediately boil up and glare at me. This typical attitude makes my grin widen but it quickly falls as I turn around and meet with the ball which has failed me greatly before. And once again it fails me, grazing upon a single pin and managing to let it fall all alone. I really don't like this game.

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