Part 11 - Another Theft

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~Nanners' POV~

I was right. That single phrase always manages to brighten my day that I'm right and there is a hidden treasure here unlike anybody would think. The only downside is that nobody comes over here and nobody will look here to see my Nanners note and make a huge deal about it like usual. Sighing I step around the ground and glance around only to find the area completely empty without a single soul in sight. From all of the pictures I've researched about the park has been filled with happy families and playing children but from what I see I'm the only single living soul here. I guess you can never trust the internet entirely especially when the information is outdated. Dropping a note in the dry grass I turn to leave, a bit disappointed there isn't anybody over here to even notice a thing. When I had hurried over here I thought for sure that there were already going to be a ton of people here and I'd have to go through some tactics to find what I need. I should've just spent more time with Chilled.

The nearly dead grass crunches underneath my every step as I sadly step away from the small area with a dried out fountain. After leaving the only attractive place in the park I notice how small the park is but how abandoned it remains. Surely there was a time when kids loved to play here all year round despite the cold or the best in the summer. It's sad seeing a park not being used to it's full extent. I take a deep breath, blowing out air into the sky and finding the white puff of clouds amusing. I must really be bored, finding the simple white clouds left behind as amusing. Sighing I glance back onto the street and notice a single figure walk past the park, one single person out of the many that are in the town. No one is going to notice this note at all, and it's really upsetting me. If I find it still on the ground tonight when the attack is I'll be really upset. It's as if it's worth nothing if there isn't an amusing crowd of people all staring at you in awe and hatred...I really do belong in jail.

Oh well, I guess. Heading out of the very messy park, a couple of people notice me leave the hardly ever populated park but none of them think much of it. They are all preoccupied rushing down the sidewalks trying to get to their job rather than pay attention to a random person leaving a park. It's most likely nobody would find this note and I'll just find it in the same place when I come back. Upset, I head back towards the park when I come up with a plan. Well, I mainly only want one person to find it anyways. Pulling out my phone I quickly retreat from the park and glance around, finding a small shop and take note of it.

"Adam? What the fuck man? Why are you calling me as soon as you ditched me?"

"Sorry just need you for a sec come over to the Herman's near the arcade?" When I only hear silence in return I sigh and feel a bit worried he'll just ignore me. "Come on, let's all be friends here, I need some help."

"What kind of help? You want to rob the place? Because damn Adam telling me you need 'help' after ditching me is pretty damn suspicious," Chilled complains and I just laugh and shake my head. The irony he was suggesting to rob a place is pretty entertaining. Stepping away from the small shop I approach the small abandoned park and watch across the park as I spot Chilled on the phone and glancing around into the park. Ducking behind some of the trees I watch him from the distance as he enters the park as I hoped. Somehow I knew he would take this short cut even if he hasn't even agreed to it yet.

"No, no it's fine. You're not doing anything, are you?" I tease him playing with a sensitive spot causing him to nearly snap before he suddenly stops, the very edge of his foot touching the edge of the note I met. He was looking down, thank goodness he actually found it. Leaning down he picks up the note and reads the quick note, turning the page over several times before stuffing it in his pocket and continuing to walk. "Chilled?" I ask for his long moment of silence and he immediately shakes his head and continues walking in my direction before passing me, having failed to notice me hiding within the bushes and trees. I watch him as he heads in front of the shop and enters without saying anything momentarily before his voice comes booming.

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