Part 5 - Back to Work

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~Nanner's POV~

"Chilled...?" Opening the door slowly I find the man sitting on the hospital bed looking down, a cloud of depression practically visible to anybody who walks by. Hesitantly, I enter the room and shut the door behind me before approaching the man who hadn't even glances up since I've arrived. Having nothing better to do I thought I'd visit Chilled, also feeling a bit of responsibility over his injury if not full responsibility, but as soon as I opened the door his every muscle and movement scream out sadness. After I step a few feet away from him his hand twitches and then I notice he was holding a small white letter in his hand and I feel something pain me from the inside. I had seen and spoke with Jess as she left that bag here... could it be that she...

"Chilled..." I mutter and immediately pull him into a hug but surprisingly he immediately pulls away from me violently. When I look to him surprised, it shocks me even further when I only see his smiling face just like normal. No red eyes, no tear stained face, not even the tiniest hint that he's upset is shown on his face beside the fact he had been staring at the floor when I walked in without reacting to my calls.

"Oh hey Adam, I hadn't heard you come in. I'm leaving right now though, just waiting for Ze to come by and give me a ride," he says cheerfully as he rises up, standing up from his bed he's been occupying for the past night. I just watch him as he stretches and passes by me casually, pulling on his coat he had hanging on the coat rack Jess must have brought back for him. He turns back to me, his dark eyes evaluating my own curiously and for a long time that I nearly think he's suspecting me by looking at my eyes. Instead he glances away for a second before he pushes past me and bigs up the large bag I saw Jess leave here yesterday.

"Chilly Willy!" A voice calls out and Chilled just laughs, turning to the guy I saw yesterday as I was leaving running into the room, smiling as he nods to Chilled. Once again, however, much to my distaste, I find Gassy walk into the room behind Ze rolling his eyes at Ze's exclamation. Gassy glances towards me and nods, acknowledging my presence. Somehow I find Gassy's presence annoying me, probably because he's the only guy I've really seen Chilled be good friends with and not just be normal friends like Ze seems to be to him. Whatever the reason is, I'm finding myself liking Chilled more than I should and Gassy seems to feel the same about Chilled, at least from what I've observed. Chilled has a particular charm to him that pulls everyone in while he also has a good sense of humor, and cares about others apparently or else he wouldn't try to mask his sadness in front of his other friends.

"I'll be heading off to work. I'll call you later Adam," Chilled says to me before leaving the room with the other two guys, confusing me a bit. I had put my number in his phone during the dinner date just to mess with him since he seemed to be easy to mess with, and he was irritated when exchanging numbers because it was obvious he did not like me, but I never thought he'd actually call me. From what I just witnessed maybe he wants to discuss what was in the letter that had made him react in such a way to begin with, probably cooking up a huge lie of a story. Left alone in the room I begin to snoop around a bit, checking under the sheets, in the small cabinets, anywhere but I don't find anything interesting. For some reason I thought Chilled would be hiding something interesting around here, possibly even forgetting a piece of work. I guess my instinct was wrong for once. Ah well, I guess it's time to get back to "work". Chilled isn't really my problem, I should forget about him for today and look into something different.

 ~Chilled's POV~

"What's with that Adam guy?" Gassy asks suddenly, making me towards the back of the car where we forced him to sit while Ze and I took the front seats. 

"He is Jess's friend's boyfriend and my friend I guess," I explain, still finding the entire situation a bit confusing to me when I'm the one who should know about my own feelings and relationship with him. When he had suddenly pulled me into a hug this morning I freaked out so much I ended up pushing him away forcibly and managed to smile like nothing happened, but, if I were to be completely honest that hug sort of calmed me slightly. I guess I needed a hug from a friend at that moment more than any other times and it was just my stupid ass that made me overreact and push him away. I wonder if he felt hurt because I pushed him away so quickly then ignored him the rest of the time, but it's just something about him that makes me want to be friends with him and I always end up screwing it up every chance I get to be friendly with him. He's a strange guy and a bit of an asshole but a funny asshole that I want to know better.

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