Part 4 - The Hospital

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~Chilled's POV~

The bright light makes me wince immediately as it nearly blinds me, shutting my eyes immediately after having just open them. Faint voices are surrounding me belonging to a large variety of people from familiar ones like Ze's and Gassy's to other less familiar ones like the old guy who's yelling and the rude guy who is also yelling. No one even seems to notice I've regained consciousness otherwise I don't think they'd continue yelling at each other this much until I hear a certain voice dominate all of theirs', belonging to an extremely annoyed Sark.

"Sark, you're conscious," Gassy immediately says as I hear shuffling around me towards the right of me and I can faintly hear the door of the room open and close, hopefully being the annoying yellers.

"Damn right I am and that was the most unpleasant awakening from being unconscious I've ever experienced," Sark complains followed by the laughter of our nearby friends. Now feeling very relieved that the noise has ended I also open my eyes finally, immediately getting Ze's attention as I feel his hands immediately on my arm.

"Chilled woke up too," Ze announces as I nod, immediately regretting nodding as I feel pain spiral through my back and head. Ze quickly helps me become steady and sets me down carefully and thoughtfully. "Be careful Chilled, you were hurt a lot worse than Sark." I nearly nod again but the memory of the pain makes me stop and just close my eyes again, holding up my arm and feeling the coolness of my forearm against my forehead calming. "We should wait before asking anything seeing the condition he's in now," Ze calls out and receiving agreements from the others obviously feeling bad for me who was hurt the worst.

It isn't long before they have to leave to get back to actual work, leaving Sark and me alone in the hospital room but while he's fine and happily laughing at something on TV the constant pain behind my forehead doesn't allow for me to have any fun at all. The doctor does give me some painkillers but they hardly seem to work at this point, still being tortured every second by the pain while listening to Sark call me a sissy for being unable to take the pain. Sark even gets up and leaves the room every once in a while leaving me completely alone but it wasn't long before I had some unexpected company, being a blonde who seems completely worried about me. When I see her enter the room I immediately smile and struggle to rise, wincing in pain as I do so but she immediately rushes to me to help me, stuffing pillows behind my back and head to help.

"Jess, hey babe," I comment cheerfully making her glare at me with tears obviously rimming at her eyes. Her sadness makes me feel a thousand times warmer and better and nearly helps me forget what that asshole did to me. The memory makes me touch my neck awkwardly while in the presence of my girlfriend.

"I thought you're so amazing at your job and never get hurt," she comments bitterly but I just laugh nervously, scratching the back of my head while wincing at the small waves of pain it causes. She rolls her eyes and holds my cold hand with her warm ones after she slipped them out of her black gloves. The cold temperature of my hand seems to shock her as she looks at my hand and at me back and forth before shaking her head and looking down in worry. Soon the door opens again and the smaller brunette girl with glasses enters with Adam following her, holding two steaming cups of coffee I'm practically drooling looking at.

"Hey come on, he's okay, see? Healthy and sound," Cathy soothes Jess who still seems shaken up with the sweet brunette rubbing her back while I just look to Adam as if he's my savior as he hands me a cup of coffee.

"The doctor said you can't have one but just ignore him," Adam whispers into my ear and I immediately look at him with tearful eyes feeling as if this man truly is my savior.

"Thank you Adam," I say immediately and grab the warm cup, ignoring Jess's immediate glare when she sees my happiness over coffee rather than her presence.  Adam laughs from beside me, taking a seat at a chair and I nearly forgot how much I had despised the man when I first met him because right now I would call him my best and more understanding friend. Taking a cautious sip of the coffee I close my eyes afterwards in sweet relief before placing it on a nearby table. Sark enters the room again and happily chats with Adam after entering while Jess and Cathy seem to begin talking about other stuff again and I can't help but feel as if everyone forgot about my pain and continued on after reacting once.

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