Happy Birthday, Bobby!!!

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    It was unseasonably warm when we went to decorate the community room.   Mom, Jackie and I got the train theme.   I still felt like shit.  I was exhausted but pressing on.   I hadn't taken a test yet.   Dad was wanting to help.  I took him to get the train set.  He didn't have enough as mom kept his cash limit low, so I paid for part of it.   He was worth it.  I felt bad that we were idolizing a man who really wasn't part of our lives except for a summer in 1993 and this last year.  Mom helped decorate.  She talked about dad and how he spent all the money.   She liked to spend too.  Her makeup, perfume, wigs and clothes were not free,

   "So, have you talked to Johnny?"  She asked.
"No.  Not really." 
"I have not either."
"Well, that's good.  You are married to dad."
"I get it.   I will always be stuck with him."
"Well, that is a shitty way to think."  

   I felt mom was rude sometimes.   Steve wasn't mean mean.  He was a child who was an afterthought.  He told he how he begged his parents to come to a concert or a sporting event.  He told me, "I hope I was never like that to you."  I said he wasn't.  He was there physically but at times he was very drunk.  He adored Bobby, so I just could not cut him off.  I think mom was ready to run. If Johnny said, "Join me on tour". She would have run. We are going to see him in the summer. "It'll be a girls trip" she told me. Yeah, I was her accessory. Little did I know aunt Jackie would be right about something.

We decorated and went home. Mom complained of being tired, but it was menopause. Dad said, "Now thwt she may be in menopause, maybe she will be horny for me." I tried not to cry.

The party was fun. Aunt Jackie and my mom talked a lot. A lot of our friends on the department showed up and it was a full room full of gifts. I texted Johnny a picture. Bobby looked so cute. I hadn't gotten him his first haircut so his hair was wild and blue icing was all through it by afternoon's end. We barely had room in the car for us as he had so many presents, I texted a picture to Johnny who was in England just relaxing and painting. "He is a well loved little boy," he texted back. He really was. I was exhausted but mom wanted to meet up for dinner. I didn't want to also I did not want to cook, so we went to a pizza place. Mom washer usual well dressed self while dad looked like he lived in the streets. Mom said, "I always dress well, because I have this fantasy of running into someone important and I want to look good." She complained of being really tired. "Hope I am not getting sick," she told me. Now I worried about us all getting sick. I had been throwing up.

When we got home we put Bobby to bed and watched TV. Sam said, "You're pregnant again."
"I am NOT. I have been busy and stressed out."
"Why? You are not responsible for your mom. Her boobs looked bigger today."
"Why are you noticing my mom's boobs?"
"I am a guy."

We laughed. I am glad I had a man I could laugh with.

My Mother's Secret -  A Sequel To The Summer of 1993Where stories live. Discover now