The Model....

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      It was a Friday and we were going to spend the day together.  Mom looked hot.  She had lost twenty five pounds, has a long wig and looked 35.  She did not look 52.  She had mutant genes.    We got up early, went to some garage sales, took dad to work, went to more garage sales, dropped more stuff off, and went to lunch.  However, at lunch we looked at the phone and there Johnny was.  He was looking a little grubby and there SHE was, thin, GORGEOUS, and with Johnny.  Mom said, "I knew it."  She looked crushed. 

   "Mom, you do not know.  Maybe it is a makeup artist.  Maybe a friend.  Mom, you are married," I said. 
"I want him to save me," she said.  She looked at me almost in tears. 
"Mom, you have to save yourself."
"I live in this hell. I have to dote on your dad's every need. I have to take care of his every need. It is so hard. I hate it."

She was in tears. She even said, "Why even dress nice or try." I felt bad. She loved him and she loved him and she loved him deeply. I wished for mom that Johnny called my grandparents and said, "Look, I made a mistake and your daughter is pregnant. I am so, so sorry." I wish the you'll have realized my mom was truly happy, but then I had to remember i had a sister. I had a gorgeous sister who as smart and witty and mom adored her. She went last weekend to some musicals with Jackie. Joey hung out last weekend. He had Johnny's temperament. Mom and Johnny were woven from that same cloth. I decided to talk to her about the last weekend.

"So, how was the musical?"
"I had fun. We ate at a really good place."
"Do you like musicals?"
"Not really. I like my time with Jackie. She and Tom are thinking marriage. They will get married at the big Episcopalian church downtown."
"Yeah. It is pretty big."
"It would cost me."
"I have been covering the bills for years. I am tired."
"You just want someone to care for you?"
"Yes," she said sadly,

My heart broke for my mom. Mom felt ugly. She felt dejected. Johnny was her one true love. Our day was sort of ruined by that. Tired, she went home. I watched her drive away. She was heartbroken. I picked up dad. He asked me, "How hoarded is my house? What shit do I have to clean up?" I wanted to cry for my mom.

"She got a bunch of jewelry, a table, a few pictures."
"Always buying shit. Makeup, hair stuff, etc..."
"She the sperm sample has a girlfriend? Maybe she will,lay attention to me!"
"Yeah. Be gentle."
"Why doesn't she love me?" I wanted to say, "moments like this."
"You have to ask her."
"Just be gentle."
"And YOU letting her do that." Yes, I was guilty.
"I adore you.  She did that on her own."
"But you took mom on the trip."
"I just wanted to get closure and for her and me."
"You should have never done that test."
"I know."
"I have a screaming bastard I have to accept as my own. I'm don't like him having my name. He should be Joseph Charles Drip."
"Joey didn't do anything."
"You're right."
"Mom has always loved him. How do you think it makes me feel?"
"I am sure it hurts."
"More than anything."

My heart broke for him. Then he began to cough. My dad was not well....

My Mother's Secret -  A Sequel To The Summer of 1993Where stories live. Discover now