Chapter 30

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Aries lets go of Izzy and puts his hands on shoulder. Loki was standing behind Izzy.

"Listen to me Izzy. I want you to take off this bet off."

"Why? So I can be suffering with that bitch of a mom and with out you their out in the damn world."

Tears formed out of Aries eyes. For some reason Izzy didn't want to cry. Blood came out of the corners of Aries. Izzy's eyes widen as their was a ice shared. It was same one that Laufey used.

"Dad why?"

Aries didn't say anything at all. He started to fade away. His arms fell down off of Izzy shoulders. Izzy feeling the guilt like in the room where Loki had died

"Dad? Dad don't go away. Please don't leave me alone again. I want you be alive again."

Aries still didn't say anything. Izzy tried to give him a hug. But failed to. Aries faded right before Izzy gave him a hug.

"What an exciting choice."

"Fuck you Death"

"You have done me a good favor"he said as he disappeared from his chair. Then he reappeared behind Izzy. Izzy faced him, Death was laughing like mental escaped patient. Izzy was about to punch where the sun don't shine. But, Death snapped his fingers together as it made Loki and Izzy disappear.

"See you again. I hope it will be never."
Izzy woke up in panic and realized she was in an alyssum. Also there was a mask that was covering her mouth and nose. She took it off to inspect her surroundings. What did she just see and why was she there.She looked around and saw that she was in a dungeon. Also she relized that was on a bed. The second she saw that there was skin on her left leg and left arm. She then quickly felt her bottom jaw.

It was also cover with skin too. Her skin was back to the normal pigment. Izzy took a strand of hair and saw it was still white. On the table was a hand mirror, Izzy took it and saw that her eyes where still red.Also instead of the cloths that she was wearing she was wearing Loki's armor that was her size for some reason.

The girl got off the bed to see that she was in a cage. Also there was other people in the dungeon as well. Instead of being sliver bars there was gold lighting to it. Izzy touched it made Izzy jump. Familiar voices can be hear down the hall. But she felt a little dizzy and off.

"Dad? Dad where are you? Is all this bullshit over?"

The talking had stopped and the footsteps took over the talking.The footsteps had came to the cage where Izzy was standing right in front of gold screen.Izzy was still rubbing her eyes as people were standing

"Thank goodness you are ok."said Thor

"So you are the one that destroyed the Casket. You are one brave child." Said Odin

"Where is my dad? Where is he? Why am I here? Am I still died? Is this all a dream? And why am I wearing Loki's amour?"

Izzy's vision finally came from being blurry. Now she sees it was Thor,Loki, and Odin.

"Where is my dad? I want to see him so that we can go back home."

"He died don't you remember, Izzy?" Loki asked

"So he died. In Death's castle?" Izzy said still looking at them

"Yes he did and I'm sorry that I didn't save him Izzy." Said Loki having his head down

"Who cares now. Like he ever was going to see me again when this was all over. Even if he was alive. It's not your fault Loki."

"Thor please let her out. I want to keep inspecting her physically state. Said Odin

Thor opened the golden cage that Izzy was in. She got out and followed the three men. Izzy was amazed as they where walking through the castle. Thor had introduced Frigga to Izzy. When Izzy got checked by the nurse she was fine now. But Izzy still has her powers. Also she has her fathers ring on the chain too. Now Izzy and Thor where standing on the balcony to see all of Asgard.

"How long was I out for, Thor?"

"A couple of months"

"How did you know that me and Loki died?"

"I came as fast I can. I flew in when you or Loki didn't come back. When I got to the chamber I saw the man you call Deadpool was crying. Also that Loki was slumped on the piller. When I saw you like that I was horrified. I had to bring you to Asgard for help from my father. Even for Loki too."

Izzy smiled and gave Thor a hug. Thor smiled as he gave a hug back.

"Thank you for everything."

"No problem."

"Don't I get a hug too?"

Thor and Izzy had let go of the hug to see Loki. Izzy ran up to him and gave him a hug as well. Now Thor walked  up to the two and started to tickle Izzy. A few hours later the sun was setting and Izzy was asleep on Loki's bed. Loki was asleep as well. However Thor was happy to see his brother and his godchild back. The only thing that was running through Izzy's mind was "Thank fucking god it's all over"

Vote like and comment. So it is over. I'm going to write an epilogue. But first I am going to sleep and I would write the epilogue when I wake up in the morning. I hope you guys loved this story.

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