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Izzy woke up in a room with a lot of computers. She was sleeping on a metal bed. Also the The Casket of Ancient Winters was on an another table with a glass dome over it. So Izzy got off the metal bed and tried to fine a way out. Then she found a door that was a little bit open and she went out of the room.

So Tony saw Izzy walk out of the room and said"Go to see that you are awake Izzy." Izzy look at him and then at Thor and some people were on the other side of the room next to the glass windows."How long was I out Mr.Stark?" Asked Izzy. "You were at least out for a few days."said Tony"And please call me Tony. I called your father that you are here with us." Izzy walked up to Tony and Tony introduced Izzy to the rest of the team. They went back to the lab room to test on Izzy.

"Why do people call you 'izzy'?asked Steve Rogers(a.k.a Captain America)

"The reason behind is Steve is that my real name is Isabella Izzy Darks"said Izzy

"So 'izzy' is your middle name" said Clint Barton

"Yea that Clint.also it was my grandmother's name too before she died"said Izzy

"Sir we have a maulfuction in the system sir"said J.A.R.V.I.S"We can't get any reason why The Casket of Ancient Winters would be cable of with a child who is not a god?"

"Tony I have a question?" asked Izzy

"Yes what is it Izzy"said Tony

"What's going to happen to my mother now"izzy said"is she even know I am here"

"Yea she knows" said Stark "But she really doesn't want to see you at all"

After a few more tests on Izzy and on The Casket of Ancient Winters they have done doing it. Izzy going much more weaker for an odd reason. So everybody left expect for Thor.

"What's wrong dude" izzy asked weakly. Thor put one of his hands on Izzy's shoulder and said "I am just starting to know way The Casket of Ancient Winters is reacting to you"

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