Chapter 19

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"What business dad?" asked Izzy

"Can't explain it" he said

"What did Thor mean that I look like Loki" asked Izzy

"The reason is that Loki is your godfather."said he

"Why"asked Izzy

"Cause I wanted him to protect you" Aires said "also I trust him too"

"Why did Loki say that I have his spirt in me" asked Izzy quietly and looking down. She people far below walking.

"The reason was to is because the Frost Giants wanted you to be one of the them. On the day when you where born your mother was stupid of enough to get tricked. They took of some Loki's features,powers, and some of his personality." Aries said " The reason she got tricked because they disgusted as me."

Izzy's was filled with tears. She had so much hate to more then ever. Other people have normal lives but was can't she. The girl tried to take her life so many times but didn't want to at all. But why? So Izzy ran to the dismantle platform with tears in her eyes. Her dad chased after her.

"One more step or i'll jump" Izzy cried

Tony and the others where behind the man. Izzy was ready to jump off of the platform. Tony took a step forward while Izzy was standing on the edge. Izzy really mean to jump off the platform.

"I mean I am going to jump off" yelled Izzy

"Come on Izzy" said Tony " don't do this"

"Why" said Izzy "to know that my life is a lie for all these years"

"Come sweetheart" begged Ares

"Why" asked Izzy

"So that we can defeat the Frost Giants." he said "Then me and you can live a normal life after that"

"Why didn't kill me when I born dad" asked Izzy "Everything could have been better if I was dead"

As Izzy said that she fell to the ground. Her dad came up to her and pick up Izzy. Izzy was crying and had her eyes closed. When they entered Ares put Izzy on the coach.

"Izzy please stop crying" he said "I am sorry about everything. Ok."

"Ok dad" she said as open her eyes

Izzy wiped the tears away. Then Ares have Izzy a kiss on the check and a hug. Izzy loves hugs because it makes her feel comfortable and not feeling stressed.

"Let me see your arm darling" asked Aries as he let go of Izzy

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