Chapter 8

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When Loki, Izzy, and Tony came back inside of the Tower,Izzy what back her normal-self. Everybody faces where shocked about something.

"What's wrong guys" asked Izzy with fright

"It's seems that there are new enemies come to earth." said Bruce

So Izzy was right. She wasn't seeing things. All of a sudden Izzy started to feel dizzy and started to scream.

"Lady Darks!" yelled Thor and that was the last thing Izzy heard.

Darkness,and alone. Izzy was in pitch darkness. She never felt like this before in her life. Then she saw people popping up. Izzy then realized that it was her. Every where she looked she saw herself. She still didn't know why these powers pick her.

Izzy was some alone freak who didn't have friends have these powers. She had so much questions to ask everybody who were in that room. Maybe by the thing she saw was probably the cause of this to have these powers. Izzy was all confused and she wanted to find out why. She was walking until she saw something or someone up ahead. So Izzy ran up to that thing or someone.

"Excuse me" said Izzy and it turned around. It had a hood on and had jeans on. He also had a scythe that he was holding.

"Well,well,well"said the person "if it isn't Isabella Izzy Darks. If you don't know by now I am Death."

"What do you want Death" asked Izzy

"You know that necklace you have" said Death "that what keeps you alive"

"Really" said Izzy "so if I take off this necklace I die"

Death shook his head 'yes' and vanished. Then Izzy woke up from the dream. She looked really confused where is was. Her vision was really blurry and a few seconds later her vision came back to clear where she was. Izzy groaned like a child not getting his or her toy.

She looked around and she was on the hospital bed. She sat on the bed and looked around and saw Tony asleep next to Izzy's bed. He looked like a kid when he was sleeping. Izzy giggles to herself.She then looked on her arm that she had the iv on her arm. The monitor can be heard going with a loud noise. That same loud noise when people pass away on their death beds. Then Izzy tried to wake up Tony.

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