The Truth

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The flames surrounding Geo and the defeated Metal Sonic continue to crackle and burn. Geo stays still, kneeling to the ground. His expression is filled with trauma beyond what anyone of his age, of ANY age for that matter, should experience. Dark bags linger under his eyes, dried from the tears and dark from exhaustion. He blankly and silently watches Metal Sonic's body. Despite the warmth all around him, he feels cold. His victory is bittersweet, vanquishing the metal devil and saving the world, but doing so too late. Worse yet, the sudden unknown power surge he felt makes him feel as if the victory is unearned. Despite his clear victory, he feels defeated.

Suddenly, the fire behind him gets extinguished. Deva uses her magic water powers to clear the way to Geo. Once the path to them is put out, Deva looks for Geo, immediately calling out to him and running up to him.

Deva: "GEO!"

Geo however, doesn't move. He remains stuck in his still position of kneeling, and now staring down at his hands. Deva slows her run as she sees him in his distraught form.

Deva: "Geo..."

She kneels behind him, reaching an arm towards his back but hesitating to touch him. The other Gwain warriors appear on the path as well, their hearts pounding as they see Geo. The citizens of Teora look on as well, though most of them pay more attention to the destruction around them, the rubble that was once their city. The robot soldiers enter as well, looking on at the destruction caused with curiosity. Deva finally reaches out to touch Geo's back, trying to comfort him. Geo slowly turns his head back to her, his expression still filled with trauma and exhaustion. As soon as their eyes meet, tears start to come out of both of them. Geo pushes forwards and hugs her tightly. His pent up sorrow is finally let out as he sobs into her shoulder. Deva holds him in her arms, comforting him as best she can. The other Gwain warriors and civilians of Teora stare at them in worry and desolation. For a moment, one which feels like an eternity, they silently mourn the fallen royalty of Teora. The entire area is completely silent. No one even whispers, not even a sob comes out. Just the crushing silence of nothing, reflecting that of the emptiness of death.

After what feels like an eternity, the silence is broken by the robot soldiers walking over to Metal Sonic on the ground. As they are about to lift him up, Metal Sonic suddenly powers back on. However, as he tries to stand back up, he just falls right back to the ground below, the sound of which catches the warriors' attention. Geo looks back at Metal Sonic, who is laying front first on his stomach. He looks to the metallic menace with both fear and fury. Metal Sonic glares back at him. They both stare at each other in silence for a moment, before Metal Sonic leers even harder at him and speaks up, squinting with distaste.

Metal Sonic: "How..."

Geo lets go of Deva and fully turns to him. He stands up, stumbling a bit from his tiredness. Metal Sonic repeats himself.

Metal Sonic: "HOW..."

Geo raises an eyebrow. He wipes his face, wiping off tears and snot from his nose. Metal Sonic shouts to him.


Geo stutters for a moment, not sure himself.

Geo: "I-I... uh..."

Metal Sonic: "Tell me. How did you do it, and WHY did you only do it NOW?"

Geo: "I-I... Don't know..."

Metal Sonic scowls.


Geo glares back at him, his eyes still watery from tears.

Geo: "I DON'T KNOW! I just... snapped. After seeing you take away... Ami..."

Metal Sonic V. Gwain SagaWhere stories live. Discover now