Hurricane Highway

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Metal Sonic stands in an open spot in the plaza. The Gwain Warriors, as well as surrounding citizens in the city, all stare at Metal Sonic with dread. His imposing figure casts horrible visions of what's to possibly come from his presence alone. The warriors tense up, their eyes following Metal Sonic's every move. They're on edge, not knowing what to expect next.

Metal Sonic: "You shall see as everything you know and love about your land becomes transformed into MY perfect future!"

The Gwain Warriors' hearts sink at Metal Sonic's words, their minds filled with fear for their home. They look around at the city around them, their own home, the place they've grown up in, the place they've made so many memories in. Ami especially is stricken with fear. Her home is in immediate and certain danger, and her mother is on the ground, unable to get up after an intense fight with the cobalt monster. She hugs Geo tightly, hoping that he can be a source of protection for the unforeseen attack on Teora. Geo is caught a bit off guard by Ami's sudden hug, but he quickly reciprocates, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. Metal Sonic however is having the time of his life.

Metal Sonic: "And I hope you like to party, cuz shits about to get LOUD!"

The Gwain Warriors' expressions turn into ones of confusion, wondering what Metal Sonic means by "party". They exchange puzzled glances, not knowing what to expect next.

Metal Sonic: "Yall ready for this?"

The Gwain Warriors nod, their determination and resolve still strong. They are ready for whatever is coming next, no matter how dire or challenging. They brace themselves, their bodies tense and ready for whatever is coming their way. Ami clutches onto Geo tighter than ever, trying her best to mentally prepare and get through whatever terrifying event is about to transpire. Finally, Metal Sonic delivers an energy filled, heart stopping shout.

Metal Sonic: "HIT IT!"

The song "Blading These Streets" starts blasting at intense volume, one loud enough to make even the front row concert goers wince. The Gwain Warriors are caught off guard by the abrupt and extremely loud music flooding their ears. Their expressions shift to ones of surprise and slight irritation as the song blares through the streets, overwhelming their senses, some tears even forming in a few of their eyes. The extreme bass and beat of the song causes the ground to start trembling. The Gwain Warriors struggle to maintain their balance as the ground beneath them shakes violently, the force of the music causing the earth to tremble. Marlow and Deva clutch each other tightly, trying to keep upright amidst the shaking ground. Ami clutches Geo even tighter, anchoring herself to him to prevent being tossed around. Lanney is nearly knocked off her feet by the vibrations, but she manages to stay upright by holding onto a nearby streetlight. Agni tries to steady himself, but the intense music makes it difficult to keep his balance. The citizens of the city are in a state of utter confusion and panic, many of them falling to the ground as the tremors grow stronger and the music blares even louder. Geo and the Gwain Warriors glance around at the panicked people, their hearts aching at the sight of the chaos Metal Sonic is causing. They look back at Metal Sonic, their determination to stop him only growing stronger.

Metal Sonic: "Let's do this."

As the beat drops into the main song (1:01), the entire city transforms in a flash. Hundreds of absolutely massive, metallic, dark silver skyscrapers appear and rise far up into the sky. The sky is filled with black storm clouds, all of which are filled with lightning. A storm instantly picks up, with heavy wind but only a light sprinkle of rain. The buildings each have rapidly flashing neon purple signs in alien language on the sides, as well as speakers larger than 2 people stacked on top of each other on the sides that also blast the song. The ground constantly trembles to the heavy beat and lightning flashes to said heavy beat, each flash slightly illuminating the black sky. The city is immediately filled with bulky egg shaped robot soldiers/citizens, each equipped with jetpacks and handheld homing rocket launchers. Thousands of glitched screens advertising Metal Sonic and his empire adorn the city like that of New York. The roads and ground turn metallic and hazardous, becoming a mix of both purple and silver coloring with many neon lights lighting up the sides. All plant life in the area is instantly removed, and the entire city becomes specifically catered to robots.

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