Suiting Up

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After a slightly treacherous journey retracing their steps back to what was the capital of what was the Kingdom of Gwain, Geo, Marlow, and Deva return back to the stormy cyberpunk city that has replaced the land they once called home. Nothing has changed ever since they first left. The music is still very loud, the streets are still filled with soldiers, the wind and light rain is still blowing, and all the technology is still active and energetic. The three see Queen Gwain standing outside in the city, in front of what used to be her castle, now turned colossal TV propaganda station, staring up at the menacing space station which now engulfs her sky. Geo steps forward and addresses Gwain, concern evident in his voice.

Geo: "Queen Gwain! We need to talk to you, it's urgent! Metal Sonic took Ami into that thing!"

Marlow adds, gesturing at the massive space station above.

Marlow: "And the planet is being dragged into the techno-drome! We need to do something now!

Deva chimes in, urgency in her voice.

Deva: "We have a plan for rescuing Ami, but we need your help first! Please, you have to listen to us!"

Gwain turns to face the three with a solemn yet saddened and worried expression. She's clearly upset about the current situation, but she listens intently to what they have to say. Geo takes a deep breath and begins to explain their plan to Gwain, detailing their intention to climb the massive chain that dangles from the space station and rescue Ami once they're inside.

Geo: "We need you to provide us with technology that'll allow us to breathe in space. The journey to the space station will be extremely perilous, and we need something to ensure we don't suffocate before we even reach it."

Marlow adds, elaborating on the specifics.

Marlow: "We'll need something that will allow us to breathe while also letting us stay agile. We can't be bulky and slow, seeing as how trying to enter the station will surely cause Metal Sonic's army to attack in defense."

Deva adds, pleading for Gwain's help.

Deva: "Please, you're our only chance at saving Ami. We need this technology if we have any shot at getting onto the space station and rescuing her."

Gwain has a worried expression, then turned thoughtful, and finally once again worried as she responds.

Gwain: "We don't have access to that kind of technology... but there's someone who might."

Gwain hesitates for a moment before finally divulging the name of the person who has the technology they need.

Gwain: "The person who has access to the space breathing technology is Luna."

The trio's eyes widen with a mix of shock and confusion at Gwain's revelation.

Geo: "Luna!? But... she's the one who's tried to kill us, who's terrorized the public, the one who was the villain... before Metal Sonic."

Gwain: "Although I don't like to admit it, she has a monopoly on a lot of technology on Teora; technology that my own engineers can't even fathom creating. I'm certain she has what you need, though I don't think she'll give it to you without some persuasion on your part."

The trio wastes no time in setting off to find Luna, knowing that every minute counts with the planet being pulled closer and closer to the Technodrome. They trek through the cyberpunk city with urgency, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of the businesswoman. However, with everything owned by Metal Sonic and nearly every human and organic being kicked out with force, with the exception of Gwain seeing as the robot soldiers haven't noticed her just standing there, finding Luna within the city is highly unlikely. The trio decides to check on the refuge area that Lanney, Agni, and Savien were tasked with taking care of. If anything, there's a chance that they might find her there with everyone else.

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