Stormy Street Fight

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The robot soldiers create a wide circle around the warriors and an unconscious Gwain. Their eyes dart around, taking stock of the situation. Deva looks around, her body tense and ready for a fight. Marlow clenches her hands tightly, watching the soldiers carefully. Lanney starts to panic, the army easily intimidating her on top of all the chaos that has already happened. The soldiers quickly take aim, pointing directly at the center of the group as to possibly hit them all at once. Geo and the Gwain Warriors eye the robots, noting their threatening stance and the fact that they're aiming right at them. They tense themselves, ready to react in an instant if the robots attack. For a moment, everything seems to come to a tense stillness, no one moving a single inch as to incite a large brawl immediately.






Then, one of the robots fires a missile.

The Gwain Warriors' eyes all widen as one of the robots fires, sending a shot their way. They react immediately, diving out of the way to narrowly avoid the attack. Geo scrambles to his feet, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he readies himself for the onslaught of robot soldiers surrounding them. The other Gwain Warriors quickly get back to their feet as well, their eyes darting around, trying to keep track of all the robots circling them. They know that they're outnumbered and at a disadvantage, but they're determined to fight back and rescue Ami from Metal Sonic's grasp. Geo grits his teeth as he confronts the robots head-on. His fists crackle with magical energy, and he unleashes a barrage of punches at them. Some of the robots try to deflect and counter his attacks, others try to fire at him from a distance, but Geo's quick reflexes and sheer determination help him hold his ground.

Geo struggles as he fights against the robots, their durable steel bodies proving tough and difficult to damage. However, Geo keeps up the relentless barrage of attacks, focusing all his strength and magical energy into his fists. With each powerful blow, the robots' metal bodies dent and buckle, their defenses slowly cracking under Geo's relentless pressure. Marlow, meanwhile, is making quick work of the robots surrounding her. With her enhanced speed and agility, she dodges and weaves effortlessly around the robots' slow, heavy attacks. When she sees an opening, she counterattacks with lightning-fast strikes, leaving the robots dazed and damaged. The other Gwain Warriors watch as Marlow tears through the robots with ease, clearly impressed by her speed and power. Despite the dire situation, they can't help feeling a mix of both envy and relief at having her on their side.

Lanney is struggling as she fights, her rock powers proving ineffective against the robots' steel bodies. She tries to hit them with powerful attacks, but they just take the blows without flinching, their steel exteriors resisting her assaults. With each failed attack, Lanney grows more frustrated and worried, realizing the difficulty of her situation. Deva and Geo look over at Lanney, noticing her struggle. They both know that they need to help her, but they're surrounded by their own robots, keeping them from lending a hand. They look torn, wanting to rush to Lanney's aid but being held back by the onslaught of robots in front of them. Agni's flames flicker weakly, their power and heat diminished by the rain pouring from the storm. He fights valiantly, but it's clear that he's struggling to make an impact against the robots with his weakened flames. Geo, Marlow, and Deva notice the effect the rain is having on Agni, knowing that his weakened flames only make the situation harder for them. The rain continues to fall heavily, making it even more challenging to fight against the robots. Geo clenches his jaw as he takes stock of the situation. The rain is affecting Agni's powers, Lanney is struggling with the robots, and they're all surrounded and outnumbered. Geo's mind races, trying to come up with a plan to turn the tide in their favor. Marlow, too, is thinking, her mind working furiously to come up with a strategy. Her gaze flicks between the robots, the rain, and her friends, trying to find a weakness or an opening in their defenses.

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