Immediate Escalation

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Ami's eyes fluttered open, and she groggily sat up in bed. The sunlight was peeking in through her curtains, and she could hear the sounds of birds chirping outside. It was another peaceful day in her home. She rolled out of bed and began her morning routine. She made her way to the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth, she changed out of her pajamas, and then headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As Ami entered the kitchen, she found Geo, Lanney, Marlow, Deva, and Agni already there, eating breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. They looked up as she entered, and greeted her with smiles and waves. Geo spoke up first, a friendly smile on his face.

Geo: "Hey, Ami. Good morning. Slept well?"

Ami nodded, a small smile on her face as she sat down at the table. She responds with a simple affirmative "mmh hmm". Despite the stress of whatever Metal Sonic has threatened them with, her beauty sleep will always be consistent. As the morning chit-chat within the group continued, Marlow suddenly spoke up, her tone serious.

Marlow: "Hey, guys. Before we get too distracted, we need to remember that we have some important preparations to do today."

Geo nodded, his expression becoming more serious as well.

Geo: "Yeah, you're right. We need to start gathering information about Metal Sonic. We Promised Gwain we'd start gathering intel today."

Lanney nodded in agreement, although a hint of reluctance was in her voice.

Lanney: "Yeah, yeah, I know. We said we'd start gathering intel today. But can't we just have a little fun first? We can start preparing later, right?"

Agni: "No, Lanney. We need to take this seriously. Metal Sonic is a serious threat, and we need to be prepared. There will be time for fun later."

Deva: "Agni's right. We need to focus on the task at hand. We promised Gwain we'd start preparing today, and we need to fulfill that promise."

Geo: "Exactly. We need to get started on gathering information as soon as possible. The sooner we start, the quicker we can figure out what Metal Sonic is up to, and the better prepared we'll be."

There was a moment of quiet as the group considered the situation. Finally, Lanney spoke up, her voice a little reluctant but resigned.

Lanney: "Fine. We'll start gathering information. But we're going shopping later, right?"

Marlow rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her face.

Marlow: "Yeah, yeah, we'll go shopping later. We just need to focus on the preparations first."

Geo nodded, his expression determined.

Geo: "Alright then. Let's divide and conquer. We can cover more ground that way."

The group continued to eat breakfast, the atmosphere a mix of seriousness and anticipation. They discussed among themselves about the best ways to go about gathering information, and how to best use their time and resources. Finally, they finished their breakfast, ready to get to work. Geo spoke up, his voice firm and determined.

Geo: "Alright, so here's what we're gonna do first. We need to split up into groups and cover different areas to gather information. That way, we can cover more ground, and hopefully get more intel faster."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, eager to get started. They quickly divided themselves into groups, with Geo, Marlow, and Ami together, and Lanney, Deva, and Agni paired up. Deva speaks up.

Deva: "Okay... What do we do first?"

Geo thought for a moment, before speaking.

Geo: "Well, first we need to find some sources of information. Maybe we can start by talking to some of the locals, see if anyone has seen or heard anything about Metal Sonic, or just any strange oddities."

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