Hard Boiled Havoc

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The three heroes walk out of the doorway from the dark factory and arrive back into the mechanical hellscape outside. They realize that they are much higher up than before, now standing on top of tall rectangular mechanical structures. They look down at the dark, polluted factoryscape below and notice the massive Techno-Brawlers patrolling the area, feeling chills up their spines as they try to comprehend how large of a drop it would be if they were to fall. The path they're on leads them to a massive circular platform. There seems to be a shadowy figure, obscured by the smoke in the sky around them, sitting on a control panel in the center. Around it is a ring of egg shaped robot soldiers, watching the center like an audience yet again.

Geo: "Looks like we've got an audience again..."

Marlow: "Who's that sitting on the control panel? They look kinda suspicious."

The trio cautiously approaches the platform, trying to figure out who the figure is and what they're doing. As they get closer, they notice that the figure seems to be tinkering with something on the control panel. As they step onto the arena platform, they realize too late as the path behind them quickly retracts, leaving them stranded on the platform with the figure. A sense of tension fills the air as they realize they've inadvertently gotten themselves stuck in this situation.

Geo: "Well, looks like we've walked right into a trap..."

Deva: "Great. Just great. Now we're trapped here with that suspicious figure and those robot soldiers..."

The figure hears them and slowly starts to turn around, Geo, Marlow, and Deva become even more wary. They all brace themselves for whatever is about to happen next, keeping their guard up as the figure turns to face them. The figure turns around and turns out to be... a white chicken with steel black-framed science goggles on. The trio's jaws drop as they look at the figure. It's an unexpected sight to say the least.

 It's an unexpected sight to say the least

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Geo: "A.. chicken...?"

Marlow: "With science goggles? Really?"

Deva can't help but burst into a fit of surprised laughter at the sight of the chicken scientist.

Deva: "Oh my gosh, it's a scientist chicken! This is the best thing I've ever seen!"

They look at the control panel which has writing on it, reading "Property of Colonel Pluck", seeming to be the chicken's name. As the chicken, now known as Colonel Pluck, looks curiously at the trio, Geo, Marlow, and Deva exchange glances of disbelief. They were certainly not expecting to run into a chicken with scientific equipment.

Geo: "So... you're a chicken with goggles..."

Marlow: "And science gear, apparently. That's.. certainly unique."

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