Fear Factory

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Geo, Marlow, and Deva make their way out of the Crimson Carnival, their focus and determination evident. Each of them knows the importance of finding and rescuing Ami from Metal. The sound of the city fades as they leave its limits and head deeper into the unknown. As they make their way through the surrounding landscape, Deva speaks up, breaking the silence.

Deva: "Any idea what Metal Sonic's main base might look like?"

Geo: "Judging by the past track record of his territory we've been through, I can assume that it'd be yet another city. Still though, we don't exactly know where Metal took Ami. We just need to keep moving and hope we find some clues along the way."

Marlow: "We can't give up. Ami is counting on us. We'll find her, no matter what it takes."

Geo's expression hardens, fueled by determination and a sense of duty to repay Ami for saving him.

Geo: "You're right. We're not giving up. Let's keep going."

The three friends press on, their steps quickening as they head deeper into the unknown, searching for any sign of Ami and Metal. The three pause as they come across the imposing sight of a dark factory megalopolis in front of them. The sheer magnitude of the city made of machines is awe-inspiring and foreboding at once.

Geo: "What the... What is this place?"

They stare silently at the hellscape that lies ahead. The factories in the megalopolis are dark and metallic, contrasting the putrid yellow sky and the neon yellow lights on the factories. They slowly and cautiously walk closer, gradually entering into the dark wasteland.

 They slowly and cautiously walk closer, gradually entering into the dark wasteland

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They stare silently at the hellscape that lies ahead. The factories in the megalopolis are dark and metallic, contrasting the putrid yellow sky and the neon yellow lights on the factories. They slowly and cautiously walk closer, gradually entering into the dark wasteland.

Deva: "This place gives me the creeps."

Geo: "Agreed. Keep your wits about you guys. We're in enemy territory now."

Marlow: "We've been in enemy territory ever since we set off."

The song "Fear Factory" is playing loudly. The trio steels themselves, their resolve firming with each step they take into the megalopolis.

Marlow: "Stay focused. This music is probably coming from the factories ahead. Let's press on."

Geo nods, silently gesturing for the others to follow him. They move stealthily through the maze-like layout of the city, making sure to stick to the shadows and keep an eye out for any sign of Metal or his robot soldiers. The factory seems to be openly and transparently producing several hazardous things, such as crude oil, advanced weaponry, and... something else strange. As the trio maneuvers through the factory, they notice the various things being produced. The sight of hazardous materials like crude oil and advanced weaponry is concerning enough, but it's the third thing that draws Marlow's attention.

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