Real Life

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Geo's eyes slowly open.

He finds himself in a hospital bed. His vision is blurry from being asleep for awhile, however long it might've been, but he sees the figure of someone next to him. As his vision clears, it seems to be his sister, Marline, who has tears of joy in her eyes. She looks very similar to Marlow, but with blonde hair instead of green and much more normal clothes. 

She shouts to him in pure joy and refleif.


She swiftly leans forward to hug him, crying into his shoulder. Geo feels very dazed and confused.

Geo: "What... What happened... Marline... Where is everyone..."

Marline sits back up, tears still in her eyes. She looks at him confused.

Marline: "You don't remember? Someone tried robbing my place while we were in it during the spring... They saw us and escaped... but he threw a brick at your head as you chased him... "

Geo's face becomes worried. He rubs the side of his head and slowly remembers his life.

Geo: "Wha-... Oh my god..."

Marline: "It just feels like we can't catch a break..."

Marline becomes much more depressed.

Marline: "Mom and Dad both dying... Us having to learn how to live on our own... And now people trying to take even more from us..."

Geo looks down, saddened by the reminder of his real life. He almost wishes he could go back to Teora as if it were a real place, bringing his sister along to meet his friends... But that world is gone. There were no adventures, there were no friends, and there is no world to travel to.

Geo: "I... I wish you could've been there... In the world I was transported to in my coma..."

Marline looks at him curiously, the cryptic nature of his words immediately catching her attention. Geo continues.

Geo: "I was in this world, it looked exactly like my drawings, but felt much more real... I met so many people there, made friends, fought enemies, and then... Something came and took it all away, someone who claimed to be real... I-"

He suddenly stops. His expression is filled with shock and sorrow as he comes to a realization. Because everything was just a comatose dream, every part of his life in Teora, every person he knew, all of it. Because of how it was a dream, he was rapidly forgetting everything that had happened. He starts to panic.

Geo: "No, NO!"

Marline looks at him with worry, concerned for his well being.

Marline: "Geo!? What's wrong!?"

Geo holds his head, panting frantically. Tears start coming out of his eyes.

Geo: "I... I'm forgetting! Everyone, everything I knew in that world, all the memories of the people I cherished, EVERYTHING. I... I don't even remember the world's name!"

Geo starts hyperventilating, tears now flowing out of his eyes. Marline holds his hand, staying calm and trying to comfort him.

Marline: "Geo... It's going to be ok... It was all just a dream, a very long dream."

Geo hugs her tightly.

Geo: "You don't understand! They meant so much to me, one of them meant more to me than anyone in that world! I can't forget them! I don't WANT to forget them! I don't WANT to let go!"

Marline hugs him back, trying her best to reassure him.

Marline: "Geo, please... It's going to be ok... I know you've been through a lot, whatever happened there must have been very important to you, but you need to understand... It was all your imagination, Geo... Please... There's no one from there TO remember..."

Geo sobs loudly into her arm. He knows he doesn't have a choice. He has to let go. He holds on tight to his sister as doctors in the back discuss Geo's recovery. He whispers to his sister, his voice dry from the crying.

Geo: "I'll miss them so much... I don't even remember their names, but they mean so much to me..."

Marline responds, keeping her voice calm as to hopefully calm Geo himself.

Marline: "I know, Geo, I know... But, you mean more to me than anyone in the real world... I'm so happy you're back... I love you..."

Geo: "I... Love you too, Marline..."

Eventually, after talking with the doctors and a few days of recovery after waking up, Geo is finally let out of the hospital, being put into a wheelchair for the time being, but ultimately on track for a full recovery. As Marline pushes him out the door, Geo finally gets to view the real world once again. While the sun is bright and sky is blue, everything feels much more dull in comparison to the world of his subconscious mind, one that's apparent through his drawings. Said drawings are his only look back into the world of Teora, feeling like photographs of a world in a future that he'll never truly see again. But, despite everything, he is glad to finally be back. He's happy to be reunited with his sister, he's glad that he can go back to his normal life of art and college, but... Is he truly, truly happy? I don't know. Geo, while he has forgotten the world of Teora, he still remembers the feelings he had felt throughout his time there, his own perfect world with adventure and friends that he would have loved to stay with for an eternity. Maybe he longs for a big family, maybe he longs for true love, no one can tell, not even himself.

Geo is brought back to his sister's place while he remains in the wheelchair, her taking care of him until he's able to do so himself. Eventually, he's ready to go back to his normal life. His sister had to work extra time to pay for both of their living spaces, as well as convince the staff at his college to not drop him from their classes due to his absence. Geo steps into his apartment. Everything is just as he had left it. But, everything still feels dull, even when compared to the storage type room he had lived in inside his mind. He just lays on his bed staring up at the ceiling, wishing he could just remember it all...

The next day, he decides to return to his college, hoping that he can maybe figure something out to get him back on track. Geo does his morning routine as he had been used to before. He gets out of bed, gets dressed, and goes to the sink to brush his teeth. As he looks into the mirror, he sees his normal self again. Black hair, normal clothes. It feels wrong, all wrong, but he can't put his finger on why. He tries to brush it off, brushing his teeth and washing his face, but the feeling lingers, even as he leaves for school. He silently thinks to himself on his walk to the subway, and still so while riding it. He arrives at the campus, memories of going here coming back, but still nothing of Teora. He feels anxious. Coming back here after all that time, after all the adventure he thought he had. It feels bittersweet. He walks through the campus paths, passing by several different people, actual humans like himself. He arrives at his class and sits down. He tries his best to concentrate, but the feelings won't leave his mind. All he wants is to go back, but he can't.

After the class ends, Geo, barely having taken any notes, leaves. He puts his hands in his pockets as he walks through the campus with an empty expression. He feels slightly envious of the other content students, all having similar living conditions to that of himself, but all much happier with their lives. As he looks around, someone catches his eye. Someone he hadn't seen on campus before. She must be new.

He walks closer, getting a better view of her. His heart races as she comes into view. She's wearing an all white school-uniform, has long, silky, pink hair, gorgeous eyes, and a beautiful face. Geo feels his heart skip a beat. He feels there's something special about her, something that he's not sure of, but he knows is important. She ends up coming into eye contact with him, being slightly surprised by the blushing young man staring at her. Geo looks away, embarrassed that she saw him staring at her. She observes his flushed embarrassment, and smiles, giggling at his cute blush.

The End

(Enjoy the complimentary ending theme if you would like. Not usually my style, but hey, it fits ;) )

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