First Encounter of the Metallic Menace

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It had just been another beautiful and vibrant day on the planet of Teora

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It had just been another beautiful and vibrant day on the planet of Teora. The open plains of the Kingdom of Gwain were as green as ever, with the sky being an indigo color as the sun was beginning to set. The clouds hovering above adding to the peaceful atmosphere. Bird-like creatures were doing bird-esque things, and peace was a radiant aura all around. Of course, we can't have anything good, so the peace is about to be very disturbed.

Metal Sonic wakes up on the ground of a wide open field. The field was vast, the grass and terrain relatively level. Oddly enough, the field, as far as Metal Sonic could tell, was completely devoid of any and all animals. He slowly gets up.

Metal Sonic: "Augh.... great, where the hell am I..."

Unfortunately, only the wind answered as it blew, lightly caressing the grass. The sun started to set, turning the sky red and gold as the last light from the sun slowly vanished. The trees that surrounded the field began to turn into shadows as night quickly approached. Suddenly, loud rustling came from the nearby shrubs, as if an animal was approaching, or something bigger... It was too dark to tell what it was by sight alone. metal sonic turns his head to glare at it, his red ring pupils on his visor eyes glowing in the dark. The rustling only got louder, closer. The tall grass moved sporadically as whatever was there got closer, its form growing more visible and prominent in the darkness. It looked humanoid... Or perhaps it was a monster. Suddenly, the object dashed from within the tall grass, charging at Metal Sonic with surprising speed!

Metal Sonic is disinterested, unphased by who or what ever this is. As the object dashed through the darkness, its shape becoming more clear, yet at the same time more obscured, Metal Sonic could tell it was not an animal. No animal charged at things with its arms raised like a person would. The sound of heavy footfalls echoed over the open field as the object charged at him. Metal Sonic taps his foot impatiently. The object finally got close, the sound of heavy breathing coming from it, when its form could finally be clearly seen. Standing before Metal in a charging stance, was a Teoran man.

Metal Sonic: "..."

The man, out of breath, stopped his charge. Standing up, he huffed and puffed, putting his hands on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath. After he finally got his breath, he stood up, and looked at Metal with suspicion.

Metal Sonic: "...The fuck are you?"

The Teoran man raised an eyebrow, putting his hands on his hips. He looked Metal up and down, and crossed his arms as he studied Metal.

???: "The hell are you 'bot..."

Metal Sonic: "I'm a robot from space."

The Teoran man's confusion turned into a frown. Looking at Metal with a guarded glare, he crossed his arms.

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