Chapter 21- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

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Today it was Christmas Eve and I was in town completing last minute shopping. I had brought everyone's presents except Joe's and Caspar's; even though they are my best friend and boyfriend they are still the most difficult to buy for. Right now I am in the shopping centre looking for Joe's presents. I remembered he was talking about having a new camera so I text everyone who I knew were buying him presents to see if anybody had already brought him one and luckily nobody had so I decided to get him one.

I walked into the shop and brought him a new camera set which had a normal camera, a vlogging camera and a GoPro. I then decided to go to Topman and buy him some new t-shirts and a pair of Vans from the Vans store. For Caspar I decided to get a blowup doll which was apparently 'The Dream Girlfriend!' which was obviously a joke and then for a proper present I finally chose a collage of me and him that I had made at Max Speilman the photo store.

After I brought the presents I went home and wrapped everyone's presents ready for tomorrow because me, Caspar and Joe are having Christmas together and lucky me gets to cook the dinner (note the sarcasm). Making sure I get an early night for the fun antics awaiting me tomorrow I wrap up all the presents before 7 o'clock and watch an episode of Pretty Little Liars allowing me to finish the 3rd season. I then tuck myself in and fall into a deep sleep.

--Christmas Day--

I wake up with a massive smile on my face! Today was Christmas! I am so excited to see everyone's faces when they open their presents. Personally I don't enjoy receiving gifts I prefer the giving element. I quickly jump into the shower and then get dressed in my red Christmas jumper which has white snowflakes on it, some leggings and combat boots. I grab the presents and pack my overnight bag seeing as I was stopping at Caspar and Joe's. Before running out the door I make sure to grab my purse, phone and a breakfast bar.

Luckily the traffic wasn't horrendous so I arrived at the boys apartment at 9:50. I knocked on the door to be greeted by an overexcited Caspar.

"You're finally here! Yay presents!" He squealed like a child.

I laughed at him and made my way into the apartment to find Joe standing half naked.

"Well my Christmas is off to a good start!" I smirked, my eyes raking up and down Joe's toned torso.

"Haha, merry Christmas baby!" He holds something above my head.

"Hey what's this?" I ask pointing at the mistletoe Joe is holding above us.


"Well I like it!"

"Lauren! You can't leave a guy hanging under the mistletoe! Give me a kiss already!" He whines.

I give him a quick kiss but he shakes him head dropping the mistletoe and pulled me into him connecting our lips together.

"Okay love birds lets get this present opening happening!" Caspar interrupts mine and Joe's make out session.

I sit down on the sofa next to Joe whilst Caspar sits on the separate chair. My presents were dished out first and Caspar hurriedly ripped open his collage of me and him but soon got teary eyed.

"Lauren this is so thoughtful I love it! It will now have a special place in my room!"

I then usher him to open the next present and as soon as he understood what he was he erupted into a fit of laughter. Joe then picked up the box on the floor and read the item and also started laughing.

"Now you won't be third wheeling!" I said.

"Thank you! This is what I need. The perfect girlfriend."

"Hey you have not got the perfect girlfriend cause I believe she is already taken by me!" Cheesy Joe making me blush.

"Aww Joe!" I smiled.

Joe was next to open his presents. First he opened the clothing I got from Topman and he was extremely happy with my choices so I was glad and then was his surprise present; the camera.
He tore off the paper, once he realised what I had brought him he attacked me which kisses.

"Lauren oh my god you are the best girlfriend in the world! You knew I wanted a new vlogging camera but you take it another step and get me a whole new set of recording equipment! This is amazing!" His face is an incredible sight.

Next it was Caspar's turn to give his presents. He got Joe a game, a Jaspar jumper and case for his vlogging camera. When I opened my presents I was shocked to find Caspar had actually put thought into my presents of a top which said "I'm a Pretty Little Liar" and a bottle of perfume (Police). I thanked and hugged Caspar and then we moved onto Joe's gifts. Joe's gifts to Caspar consisted of a Dominos gift card, a waterproof phone case and some beats headphones. Joe was so eager for my to open my gifts! I was astounded to find some new beat pill speaker, two phone cases with personalised photos of us and a new memory card.

"I know it's not much compared to your presents but I hope you lik-" I silenced Joe up by kissing him.

"They are perfect but I wished you didn't spend this much money on me!" I said.

"Well look how much you spent on me! I have to treat you once in a while!"

After we cleaned up the masses of wrapping paper I started to cook the traditional Christmas dinner. We were having the standard meat of Turkey accompanied by carrots, peas, mash, roast potatoes, parsnips, pigs in blankets, broccoli and cauliflower. When I was preparing the veg Joe come up behind wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey baby do you need any help?" I shook my head.

"Are you sure because I don't want you to feel like you should be doing this because I will gladly do it!" He suggested.

"No I'm fine really, besides I love cooking!"

"And I love your cooking!" Joe says making me laugh and blush simultaneously.

I carry on cooking the dinner once Joe had gone to play his new game and soon finished at about 1pm by which the two boys were starving. I dished out the meal and gave the plates to the two drooling dudes.

Me, Joe and Caspar ate in a comfortable silence enjoying the dinner which if I do say so myself is pretty good. When we had all finished I collected our plates and went to wash up but I was interrupted by Caspar before I got there.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Caspar questioned me.

"Going to wash up."

"Oh no you're not, you shouldn't have to cook and wash up, I'll do it!" He stated.

"Caspar are you sure there is a lot to wash there."

"Yes go sit down and enjoy your day."

I obeyed his demands and sat down looking at Twitter and Instagram. I then decided to write one of my songs seeing as I have to write 5 songs and I've only completed two and they need to be ready in two weeks time. The first song I wrote was influenced by the heartbreak I had with Oli and finding out he wasn't who I thought he was and my other was about My younger years when I had my first boyfriend who helped my through my depressive stage in my life. This song wasn't going to be mopey and sombre, it was going to be about happiness and love. Obviously you could guess the influence on this one. I sat staring at Joe for a few minutes before coming up with a verse and a chorus but I was struggling on the second verse.

Me being me came to the conclusion that I should just do it tomorrow or the next day because I don't think I will have enough time tomorrow due to me going to Zoe's with the crew to hand out gifts.

The rest of Christmas was spent having a laugh with Joe and Caspar and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

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