Chapter 23 - Recording EP

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I am finally recording my ep today! I jump out of bed and hop in the shower before getting dressed in a sweatshirt, black jeans and black converse. As I was only in the studio today I shoved my hair up into a messy bun and put on minimal makeup. I drove in the hectic London traffic and finally arrived at the studio ten minutes early. When I entered the studio room I was greeted by hugs and excited people. Dirk, my manager, told me that I would be recording at least two of my songs today and if it goes well maybe three if we're lucky.

I recorded the song about Oli first to get it over and done with and then we had lunch so I made my way to the cafeteria and ordered a chicken salad and an orange juice which I ate extremely fast and then went back to the studio to record another two songs if I'm lucky. Sadly we only completed one other recording until we had to leave because we only rented the room from 10-4. When I got into my car I text Joe.

'Hi I'm finished at the studio, what are you doing?xx'

'I'm just in town getting some props for this weeks video! Do you want to help me with the vid?xx'

'Okay shall I pick you up now?xx'

'Can do I'll be waiting by Selfridges for you xx'

I reply saying I'll be there soon and I head off on my way to pick up Joe. Whilst I wait for Joe by Selfridges I scroll through my Twitter and Instagram until my car door suddenly opens to reveal Joe who greets me with a kiss.

"Hey you!" I say returning the kiss.

"Hi there! Let's go!"

I start the engine and off we set back to Joe's. The journey consisted of me and Joe talking about the video and what he has planned for it.

"Well I thought it was time to get Caspar back for what you and him did to my room so I'm going to do a box prank on him."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm going to set up all these boxes I have being delivered to ours and then when he gets home on Saturday he is going to be finding his personal stuff in them, but what he doesn't know is that I'm going to be hiding in one of them." I laughed at Joe's plan.

"If this is what you have in store for Caspar what are you going to do to me.." I say half worried half serious.

"You already made up for that!"


"By becoming my girlfriend." He kisses my cheek.

I blush at Joe's statement and finally get to the apartment. Once we are in Joe gets all the food he brought put away and then sits down on the couch on his laptop.

"Joe I think we should come out to the fans." I say nervously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm ready don't worry!"

"Okay shall we both post a twit longer?"


We both grab our phones and start typing. After about twenty minutes of contemplating and typing we both posted the twitlongers to our twitters.

"Now all we have to do is wait to see the fans reactions!" I said.

"It's gonna be fine, don't worry!"

I look at Joe and half smile before kissing his forehead but then he pulls me in to his chest and kisses me passionately. I pulled away because my phone was vibrating like crazy, the fans reactions were mixed; some were happy, some were upset and angry which was what I expected anyway but overall the reactions were good.

"I guess your right, our fans are quite positive to the idea of us."

"I told you so!" He sticks his tongue out at me.

I return sticking out of my tongue and start laughing. For dinner me and Joe grab a takeaway Nandos and also grabbed junk food to watch a movie with. We decided to watch '22 Jump Street'. Throughout the movie I kept spotting Joe look down at me and casually starting until I looked up and then he acted clueless.

The movie finished and I started to get up but I was pulled back by Joe.

"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked.

"I've got to go home, I have to be up early to record the rest of my ep."

"Noooo please don't go!" He whined.

"I've got to!"

He started to pull the puppy dog face trying to make me feel guilty.

"It's not going to work tonight."

He laughs and gets up to walk me to the door.

"I wish you didn't have to go."

"Neither do I but I need to finish my ep."

He nods and then leans in as do I and finally our lips connect and move in sync. We finally pull away before I peck his lips.

"Goodnight beautiful." Joe says.

"Goodnight Joseph."

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