listening to limp bizkit and yellowcard as I write this 😎😎
Juls p.o.v
"Err here are you're Weasley jumpers" Ron said handing me, Harry and Hermione a parcel each.
"Aww thank you, you're mum is so sweet I must write her a letter later" I said taking the purple wrapping paper off, I smiled widely as I sore what was in side. A black knitted jumper with the hogwarts crest on it, a pair of red and green gloves with some homemade fudge wrapped in kitchen cloth. I put everything back in the wrapping paper and put it with the rest of my presents. Then I got up and gave Ron a hug I don't know why I did I just felt like it. When I pulled away he was bright red, I gave him a confused look but shook it off.
I went to sit next to Hermione she was reading a book I got her called 'the secret of magic' it's about well the secret of magic like how the wand cast magic and all that stuff it's not really a secret but well that's what the books called. She looked up and asked
"How come Ron blushed when you hugged him?" I looked at her with a razed eyebrows and said
"Come on Hermione, we are all teenagers it's just teen hormones"
"Well I think he has a bit of a crush on you"
"WHAT!" I whisper-shouted choking on my own spit as I stared at her with very wide eyes. I couldn't believe what she just said I mean he's like my brother he can't have a crush on me can he?
"Well I've been studying him since the beginning of the year for any of the signs, for example whenever you and Harry hold hands, hug or kiss he's glaring at him"
"Well yes he's like my brother of course he is going to" I said getting nervous what if he does have a crush on me, yes I love Ron but as I've said as a brother.
"Shhh there coming over" I looked away from Hermione to see them walking over from the other side of the common room. Harry sat next to me and put his arm around my waist and whispered
"Can I give you my present now?" I smiled and nodded, he smiled back and got my hand and lead me to the boys stair case.
"USE PERTECTION KIDS!" Fred and George shouted, I flipped them off giving them the Black glare. I looked at Harry to see him was bright red I think I was as well but because of the person I am I just giggled. Once we in to his dorm we went and sat on his bed.
" I hope you like my presents I've been so worried that you won't" Harry said blushing again, I leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly,
"I'm sure I will and I've been thinking the same about yours" I replied, covering my blush with my hair. Which didn't really help because my skin is so pale and my hair is white.
"Don't hide you're face, it's so beautiful" he said tucking my hair behind my ear, and leaned in and kissed me but this time on my lips it was a short kiss it was about 5 seconds long. He pulled away my eyes were still shut as he did and when I opened them a little box with red wrapping paper over was in his hand, he was holding out me me. I smiled widely and took the box out of him hand and slowly and neatly took the wrapping paper off to revile I blue box.. It looked like a ring box. I looked up at him to see his face cross with worry. I opened the box to find a beautiful ring... I gasped and looked up at him smiling.
"It's a promise ring, as in we will always love each other... It's cheesy I know b-" I cut him off my ringing his lips to mine and slowly kissing him with my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. This kiss was longer it was about a minute long, we pulled away for breath I put my forehead against his and rubbed it a little. I giggled,

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...