Juls p.o.v the next day
I woke up the next day, It was a Sunday. I looked in the mirror to see what coulor my hair was it was half brown half blue (pic on top or side)
I looked at my clock it was 8:20 I looked over to see Rose, Lulu and Jessy yes I stayed in Ravenclaw last night but I'm going to go back to Gryffindor when they wake up. So I got changed in to a belly jean top, and some jean dip dyed Yellow, Blue and Pink shorts, some purple lace up boot trainers a ring with a bow on it and put some mint lip barm on and to finish of some black geek glasses. I actually looked quite pretty.
"Hey Juls you look very pretty in that outfit" I herd Lulu say I turned around and sore her with bed head. I giggled and got out my wand pointed it at her then her long black hair went back to its wavy self.
"Oh thanks" she said running a hand though her hair
"It's okay and can you tell the others that I will see you around I need to go to Gryffindor"
"Ohhhhhhh to see Harry I get it because he's your boooooooooyfriend"
"Shut up" I said blushing a lot
"Awwww come on I was only joking of couse I'll tell the others that you will see them around and that you said bye"
"Thanks Lulu see you later" I said and walked out of Ravenclaw to Gryffindor. I said the password, walked in exspecting know one to be up but HARRY WAS YAY.
He looked over at me but just stared at me after about 30 seconds I went up to him and waved my hand infrount of his eyes be blinked and smiled at me saying "Hey" as if he just forgotten he just started at me for half a minute. He stood up and reasted his arms at the top of my hips pulling me closer to him I could feel his skin of mine because its a belly top then he kissed me on the lips, I kissed back putting my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Oh Merlin you don't understand how much I love kissing him. When we pulled away for breath, Harry then moved hims arms from the top of my hips and moved all my hair to the left.
"I love you and your lips tast like mint" he said smirking then pecked my lips again licking his lips after then added I like it. I giggled and said
"I love you too and its mint lip barm" I said still keeping my arms around his neck.
"Do you wanna go for a walk? because no one is up yet" Harry asked, I took my arms away from around his neck and nodded. He smiled and and took my right hand in his left and we started to walk out of the common room and out on to the Hogwarts grounds. As we were walking to the black lake Harry all a sudden asked
"Why do you love me? because I told you why I loved you when I asked you out"
I stopped walking, and so did he looking at me I smiled at him moved closer to him put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist then i said
"I love you for you, not just because your the boy who lived, but because you make me smile when I'm sad, When I'm angry you know how to calm me down most of the time anyway, When I'm feeling ill your there for me, In second year when you saved me from the chamber of secrets only about 2 out of like 1000 people would of done that with out a teachers help... well a teacher who know when they are doing. You are funny, smart but you also know how to get in to troble and you are very cute and handsome"
I said running one of my hands though his untidy hair. He looked down blushing but looked back up at me and then slowly started to back me up intil I felt something hard hit my back then he leaned in.
At first it was a slow kiss but then it got hot and havey, him running a hand over my bear stomac whilst the other one was in my hair, we both kissed with lots of passion. I felt his tounge lick my bottem lip at this point my stomac way doing summersalts. I opened then closed it and smriked, he mumbled "tease" which made me smile and mumble "you bet ya". But I fanliy gave it and opened my mouth and his toung slipped in to my mouth it felt nice in-a-gross-sort-of-way. After we ran out we pulled away panting.
"Your a bloody good kisser, oh grate Im talking like Ron Harry said smirking I looked down blushing but also giggling.
"Come on they will be wondring where" I said holding out my hand he toke it and we started walking about, What a great walk we olny walked about 300m. Once we got in to the castle swinging are hand back and forward laughing but then we herd a voice say
"Juliet I need to see you in my office"
We both turned around to see Dumbledore, I nodded and let go of Harry's hand
"See you later" I said he nodded and kssed my cheek then walk away.
So I made my way to Dumbledore's office with him leading. When we got there he told me to sit down
"Juliet I have found a letter for you from.......Lily Potter"
"Lily-flower" I breathed
"Yes hear you go" he said again and passed it to me
I toke it out if his hands and teared It open and It said
Dear Juliet/Juls/Multi
You are probbley wondering why I am writing to you, well I hope when you get this letter you are in 3rd year or above but anyway I wanted to say sorry. Sorry for the way I treated you, bullied you, always compared you to Chrissy but I was jealous of you and James, how close you were and I just wished that was me I am so sorry and when you left, James told everyone that he loved you but not in a sister way in a love, love way and well that me turn green with jealousy but then he told me that we had to get togiver and have a son called Harry but if you stayed that would be you with him and I except that and I hope you and Harry are going out but if not that's fine so yeah I just wanted to say sorry
All my love Lily Evens
As I read it tears were going down down my face
Sorry is a small word but can be very powerful
Sorry it toke so long
~ Rosie

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...