Harry's point of view
Ron was furious with Hermione too it wasn't just me. As far as he was concerned, the stripping-down of a brand-new Firebolt was nothing less than criminal damage I wouldn't go that fare. Hermione, who remained convinced that she had acted for the best, started avoiding the common room for the rest of the day, and Juls went with her I mean I am her boyfriend! Me and Ron are guessing they have taken refuge in the library and Ron didn't want to dare go in there.
I did think that Juls would stay with me and Ron I mean she's none Ron all her life I'm her boyfriend but noooo she goes off with Hermione. Doesn't she get that a poor innocent broom is being stripped down?
Juls point of view
As me and Hermione walked out of the common room ignoring the boys, Hermione with a tear stained face. I took a quick look to see Ron and Harry looking at us. I needed that go upstairs and get changed into my weasley jumper and I put some joggers on.
"I was only trying to help him" Hermione said as we were out of the common room
"I know Mione why do you think I'm sticking with you and not the boys?"
"I know Juls and I'm very thankful for that, but why I mean Ron has been your best friend since you were born and Harry is your boyfriend-"
"Mione yes all that is true but you were just trying to do the best for them and until they realize that I'm going to try to ignore them"
"Yes try, I love Harry with all my heart its going to be hard not talking to him all a sudden, the same with Ron as you said has been my best friend for all my life its going to be hard but I will try"
"Thank you Juls it means a lot to me" she said smiling at me as we came to a halt for the stairs to move down towards the first corridor.
Once we reached the library there was no one there, not even Madam Price . We looked at each other and smiled, we both knew that each other likes to read in silence. We went to our favorite table it was at the back of the room next to a window looking out at the black lake. I've just noticed that Hermione had the book I got her. I smiled lightly knowing that she liked it, I got up to find a book to read. I wanted to find a book on- oh! i forgot to tell you guys I'm taking an extra class, Muggle Studies ! Hermione convinced me to take it, but it is on at the same time as Divination so I use Hermione's time turner, its handy that we have the same classes when we use it together.
Anyway as i was saying I got up to find a book on Muggle Studies specifically Muggle toy's. This was the first topic they did but because I've missed the first topic Professor Burbage said i should do some extra work to catch up, the topic they are on now is Muggle school which i find highly fascinating.
As I went to the M shelf and looked for MU, then MUG and AH! Found all the muggle books there were hundreds of them but I finally found a book called 'muggle toys and how they work' Great!
As I reached the table Hermione was still reading the book I got her, I sat next her, she looked up at me and smiled so I did the same back. Then she said
"Juls how did you know that you loved Harry?" I looked at her shocked but I answered anyway,
"Errr...well I had a crush on him since I first met him in diagon alley, Cedric and his friends were talking to Hagrid amd Harry was hiding behind him, in second year I asked him why he was hiding and he said ' i was scared that i wouldn't be able to say anything in front of such a stunning girl' oh god it was so awkward we were both bright red and I just whispered thanks and ran out the study room"
Me and Harry were in the study room on a table by are selfs we had a free period Ron was in detention and Hermione was in the hospital wing still because of the cat hair in the polyjuice potion. I was pretending to look at my book but I was really secretly looking at Harry and studying his every feature, like the way his eyebrows scrunch up slightly in the middle when he is focusing on something. Or the way his eyes sparkle when he reads so thing funny or something that will help him and smiles writing it down or-
"What?" I asked snapping out of my own thoughts, blushing knowing that he had caught be staring
"You were staring at me and I was wondering if you were ok" he said blushing as well pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Why is he so cute!
"Oh..er well I was thinking...why..why did you hide when we first met?" Where I'm the name of Merlin did that come from?
"I was scared that I wouldn't be able to say anything in front of such a stunning girl" his eyes went wide as did mine and I went bright red but he went brighter.
"Thanks" I whispered and ran out of the study room smiling to myself. I was to busy thinking about Harry that I bumped in to someone
"Oh my Merlin I'm so sor-"
"Watch where your going Diggory" I looked up to meet icy grey eyes,
"Malfoy.." I said trying to hide my blush and smile from what has just happened with Harry but failed, his eyes softened and he smiled lightly? What is going on I thought to myself
"What's got you so happy" he asked, I was so confused
"Why do you care?" I asked raising my eyebrows, then his eyes went cold again
"I don't, and next time watch where your big feet are taking you" he said and shoved past me, but I didn't care all I could think about was Harry.
Flashback over
"Juls, JULS!"
"You were talking about Harry and you just stopped talking" I just blushed smiling at the memory
" I was just remembering what I was saying" I said, she smiled at me sweetly.
"Anyway when I first figured out that I loved Harry... I guess I've always loved Harry but never realised it till when we had our first fight and even then I didn't even admit it to myself. Pathetic isn't it?"
"Of course not!"
"Hermione why did you ask me?" I asked, with my eyebrows raised. Her eyes went wide and she blushed
"Hermione? If you don't tell me I'll guess"
"Fine....I think I like.....
Hey everyone, sorry for not updating but who do you want Hermione to like??
Also I would like some people to tell me what they want to happen?? Please and also please vote and comment I love reading comments, I know it's short but I'm planning on doing more flashbacks to 1st and 2nd year would you like that?
Also please ask any questions if you are confused by anything
Thank you
-Rosie xx

FanficSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...