*couple of weeks later Juliet's p.o.v*
today is the 14th of August and me and cedric are going to Diagon alley.
I got up and looked at my clock it read 8:50am I got up put my gold hair in it messy bun then got changed in to a belly top with a leopard print heart on it with a open jean jacket with leather sleves, I'm not bragging but I am very thin but I don't know why because I'm like Ron, Ron weasley he like my brother we are the same age and are both going to Hogwarts this year.
Anyway I'm like him when I eat not saying he's fat because he isn't but I eat a lot so yeah. I'm also wearing some shorts with white lacing covering the jean with some rainbow trainers and my backpack so i can buy stuff what I'm not aloud, with some real geek glasses yes I were glasses with a snapback hat, oh and my bracelet to show I'm Veela yes I'm full Veela but I don't understand how? my dad isn't a Veela and Cedric's half Veela and when I ask about it they just go quite and talk about something else.
So yeah about the bracelet its the shape of a lighting bolt its to show that just because we are very pretty girls or hot boys well i dont think i am but other people say otherwise but thats not the point well it is but anyway its to show we have power as well not just looks and you get one when your a baby then its stuck on your arm you don't write with (left for me).
I went down stairs in to the kitchen see Cedric in his over robes with a Hufflepuff logo on and he gave me a plate with some toast
"Thanks" I said and started eating it
"Don't mention it and Jack, Will and Nick are coming round to come to Diagon Alley with us" Cedric said sitting on a stool at the island I just nodded Jack, Will and Nick are Cedric's best mates they treat me like I'm their little sister as well I've none them since before Cedric went to hogwarts so I was about 5 or 6.
* At Diagon Alley*
"please can i go to Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop pretty please?" i said to Cedric as we had just come out of Madam Malkin's Robes shop to get my new uniform,
"No plus you have know one to go with becuase we are not going in there are we? "Cedric asked his friends they shook their heads i sighed and looked around to see two red heads i smiled and ran up so them and once i got to them i said
"Freddie, Gorgie can you take me to Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop Cedric won't let me go so can you please try and make him let me go?"i asked them
"Juls you should know by now-" George started
"-That you don't need to ask us to go to"Fred said
"Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop" they said with grins on their faces
"come on then he's over there" i said pointing north and getting both their hands and pulling them to cedric. once we got there i said
"Fred and George said they will take me"I said smiling
"Fine but no exploding wands" Cedric said handing me about 10 gallions and "meet us at Ollivanders okay?"
"Okay and thanks" they walk away then me,Fred and George started walking then Fred asked
"Why aren't you allowed exploding wands?"
"Because well.......I kanda blow up are old house becuase I set three of them off at the same time then BOOM bye bye house" i said waving at the end
"yeah so thats why Cedric won't let me have exploding wands"
"so were do you live now? becuase well your other house as you said went BOOM" George asked
"Oh i live on Diggory street anyway WE ARE HERE!" i said well shouted the last bit and we walk in. When Mr Gambol saw us he said
"Ah my favourite people in the world the weasley twins and miss Diggory, how may i help to day?"
"just stocking up" the three of us said
"very well call if you need anything but i doubt that you guys shout know this place like the back on your of your wands" mr.grath said, wait isnt it ment to be back of your hands?oh well, we started looking around and we got so dungbobms and small fireworks to set off in class the same stuff we alway get but i saw something new i called out fred and george
"guys look at these "they came over and read out loud together
"firework sweets" we all looked at eachother and smriked i looked at the price 5 knuts i grabed lodes of packets so did the twins untill there were only about 10 packets left. i counted how meny i got and i counted 25 i worked out in my head that 5x25 is 125 and 29 knuts is one sickle so 125 divided by 29 is 4.3 so that would mean that its 4 sickle and 3 knuts yes i am probble going to be in Ravenclaw but my mum was so i don't mind (A/N please tell me if i am wrong i acc did work it out in my head).
once we had got every thing fred and george toke me to Ollivanders and cedric,jack,nick and will had just arived i said bye to fred and george and gave then a quick hug each and thanks then walked up to them and shouted
"LETS GET MY WAND!!" and i walked in to the shope only cedric came in the others waited out side
"hello" i said "HELLO" i said i bit louder then a crazy old man with white hair sticking up came to me amd said
" I feel strong magic in you my dear ah Mr Diggory 12¼. Ash wood, its core being a hair from the tail of a unicorn it feels only yesterday was when your mother and farther were coming in i have just the wand for you" he said all in one breath and walked away to the back of the room
Cedric whisper to me "he's crazy" i giggled then the crazy old man came back witth a black box i walk forward to the desk he opened it and said
"this my dear it a wand made out of ash wood with uincorn 12 inchs much like your brothers but this has got Veela hair in it considering you are one" he said looking at my left arm i smiled and took the wand from his hands then waved it and a vars smshed he toke the wand off me and mutterd "apparently not" and went to find another one. Once he had come back he had a red box in his hand and said
"This one is a nice wand very bendy with charms its 11inchs and made out of willow tree and its core Veela's hair" i waved it and books fell off the shelf. As the time went on we had been about 55 minutes but then the man said "my dear would you like to go for a little wounder around the shop?" so i did as i was told, i had nearly walked around the whole shop incept the front so i walked around there but i felt a pull to something i followed the pull and came a cross a wand in a container and said
"That one" Mr.Ollivander came over and gasped and toke the container out of the window and made his way back to his desk so i followed his he carefull got out the wand and said
"My, my, my dear i never thought this wand would get chosen again because remember Miss Diggory the wand chouses the wizard and this wand is 13inchs a bit bigger then normal and its woods are holly, redwood, willow, oak, yewwoold, hawthorn, vinewood, ash, blackthorn, silver, lime, fir, hazel,poplar and dogwood is its strongast wood. Dogwood is one of my own personal favourites, and I have found that matching a dogwood wand with its ideal owner is always entertaining. Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments. An interesting foible of many dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy. And its core's are Veela hair,uincorn hair,dragon heartstring and phoenix feathers this my dear is Merlin's wand "
so what do you tink please tell me tanks

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...