(Again not in order just ideas I came up with as I wrote)
Also a tiny bit of smut, no sex just snogging.
(Okay, I've made a slight change to Chapter 50 for one of them to work. So please read that chapter again, you don't have to but I will just clear up something for those who have good memory)
*Juliet's p.o.v*
"Remus?" I asked one day in second year, we were alone in the library... tomorrow is a full moon. He looked up from his book and automatically tried to push up his glasses but then remembered he used a spell for his eyesight.
He looked so pale and ill, his eyes were dropping already and it's only 12pm.
"Yeah?" He asked, I took a deep breath before saying.
"How's your mother? Aren't you going to see her tomorrow?" He went wide eye before saying.
"Em yes tomorrow of course. She's doing better thank you" I nodded and went back to writing notes, I wanted to ask. But I couldn't, I kept on opening my mouth but the words didn't come out. He noticed.
"Are you okay?" His voice unsteady, I shook my head. This was it, I'm going to confront him.
"I em have been very worried about you recently, and I did some research on your symptoms-"
"Please don't..." He whispered, knowing what I was going to say. He tried to stand up and walk away but I stopped him and pulled him in to my arms for a hug.
"It's okay Remus, I won't tell anyone" I whispered into his shoulder, I hope he could hear me. Fuck why is he so tall?
"I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anyone...I am a monster after all" I pulled away and slapped his arm.
"Remus you're not a monster, you are perfect the way you are and one of my best friends. And I love you." I said tears springing to my eyes.
"You aren't scared?" He asked and reached down to wipe my tears away.
"Forgive me Remus but Siri told me you fold your socks, and you always split your vegetables into colours. You can't tie your tie and I have to do it in the morning. I'm not scared of you." I said laughing a bit and put my head onto his chest. I felt his arms go around me as he held me tight.
"Thank you Juliet." He said into my ear, I giggled as it tickled a little.
"You know we did have our suspicions" A new voice said, we pulled away and I grabbed Remus hand. But let out a sigh of relief that it was James, Sirius and Peter.
I felt Remus let go of my hand and try to run for it again but Sirius stopped him and gave him a 'man' hug.
"It's alright mate" He said to him, Remus face showed confusion.
"Why aren't you all running for the hills and telling anyone? Are you sure you know what I am?" We all nodded,
"Yes, a Were-" Peter tried to say,
"Shhhhh!" The rest of us said. He sent a sheepish smile towards us.
"We're here for you Remus" James said.
I sighed looking in the mirror at my hickey, I also wiped the last of my tears away. I heard the door open, I closed to pocket mirror putting it away after. I also flipped my collar up to hide my neck.
"Multi? What are you doing here?" A voice asked from behind me.
"Master Black! Is there anything I can get you?!" Betty, one of the house elves, asked running up to him.

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...