Juliet's p.o.v
My name is Juliet Lyric Arias Lily Irma Eloise Diggory yes very long name but i like to be called Juls yes i am a Diggory and yes my older brother is the most popular 3rd now 4th year at Hogwarts. And you might want to know why my middle names are Lyric,Arias, Lily,Irma Eloise well Arias is after my grandmother, Lily well it was my mum's best friends name the late Lily Evens well Potter ,my mum and her were like sisters even though they were not in the same house when they were at hogwarts Lily was in Gryffindor whilst my mum was in Ravenclaw but they still got along like sisters so yer and next is Lyric my mum loved that name one is simple.
Next Irma thats my dad's grandmother so my great grandmother and last Eloise it is french and my mum's famliy is from france because for my mum's first year she went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic but her famliy moved over so yeah thats my names . Today is my birthday 31st of July and im going to be 11 so hopefully i am going to get in to Hogwarts.
i got woke up by someone shouting
And that someone is my brother Cedric (makes girls scream in my head becuase they think he's so bloody hot well so so bloody not) well he acts like my dad more tham my brother because he is never so when cedric's at school i stay with the Weasley's . I haven't seen dad in 5 days now and my mum died well killed when i was 3 and a half moths old by a death eater , i looked at my clock it read 7:34AM . WHAT THE HELL DOSE HE WANT AT HIS TIME OF THE MORNING. I groaned and got up and went to my door and shouted
'what the hell dose this kid want' i thought and ran down the stairs which toke about about 2 minutes becuase i live in a bloody mantion on top of a hill which looks like its full of ghousts but it isn't and we have got this house becuase are old house burnt down....it was an accident alright!! i got 3 blow up wands from Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop and well i didn't think they would actually blow up so yeah and dad called the hill Diggory street oh by the way dad actually didn't pay for it the minstry did anyway and back to the point im at the top of the house.
So when i fanliy got there i went in to the living room and sore cedric standing there with pink hair oh i remember i put dye in his shampoo. i smiled at him sweetly and said
"whats ever the matter my darling big brother" i said still smiling at him oh by the way eveyone thinks i'm a complite angle and dose nothing wrong in my life well they are wrong *evil look at you* the only people who don't thing i am an angle but is the prankster princess is Fred, George and Ron Wealsey. And I''m the princess because Fred and George are the kings and well i kinda like their little sister because i don't wanna be married to them so yer anyway as i was saying i am also the 'talk back queen' this time the queen so yer then i got cut out of my thoughts by cedric saying
"why did you tern my hair pink?"
"me"i said and faked gasped "why would i do such a thing cedric i am your sweet and only little sister i am hurt that you thought it was me but if it was me which it isn't all you need to do is wash is out"
"and you know this how?" he asked one of his eye brows raised
"I'm smart like that" i said he just chuckled and got something out of his pocket and said "this was in the mail today" it read in fancey green writing
Juliet . L . A . I . Z . E . Diggory
biggest bed room at the top of the house,

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...