Sorry its so late
Juliet's p.o.v
Flashback (there are going to be two p.o.v)
Me and Harry were in the libary on are free period, studding for are end of year tests, Hermione was in muggle studies at the moment and Ron couldn't be bothered so it was me and Harry which I don't mind not at all if you know what I mean ;)
We were at the back of the libary behind at book shelf on a four seet table me and Harry sitting next to each other with our work spread all over the table it helps that me and Harry have all the same classes. I was reading a book (standed book of spells grade 3) on charms. At the moment I'm reading a spell called Confundus Charm ( Confundo) i'd forgotten about that spell we lurnt it in 4th year me and JJ used it on snape anyway it says in the book
Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow simple orders without thinking about them.
cool that will come in handie I thought to my self but them I felt eyes watching me so I looked to my right to see Harry looking at me. I looked down blushing and looked back up to see he was still staring at me.
"What?" I asked giggling
"Your just so beautiful" he said
"shut up" I joked putting my head in my arms because I was blushing so much
"What you are" he said I could hear his smirk. I looked up to see he was about a centure meature away from me, my ice blue eyes meeting his sea green eyes
"I thought your eyes were sea green" he said inching closer to me
"They were but they have started to go blue over the past cupple of days"I said watching as he inched closer ever so slowly.
"I like them" he whispered before putting his lips on mine, I was about to kiss back, but someone cleared their throught. We both sprong apart to see Professor Dumbledore smiling at us.
"So sorry to disturb you but I need to talk to Juliet?... please" he said I nodded garthing up my stuff and putting it all in my bag (top tip by the way always put an exstending spell on your bag it helps soooo much)
"I'll see you later Harry" I said he nodded and carried on studying blushing deep red like me. I walked off with Professor Dumbledore
Professor Dumbledore's p.o.v (OMM)
Its today the spell will be lifted all will be reviled, I looked at my pocket watch, 3:35pm okay I've still got 25 minutes to find Juliet and explain. Okay first I'll go the Gryffindor common room, so I made way their which took about three minutes said the past word to the painting and walked in and as soon as I did it all went quite all eyes were on me. I sore Ronald Weasley so I asked him

FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...