Chapter 42

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*Juls P.O.V*

The rest of the school returned shortly after New Year, and Gryffindor Tower became crowded and noisy again. Me and Harry were sitting by the fire. I was helping him do his charms home work what he left to the last minute.

"Had a good Christmas?" A voice said, we looked up to see Oliver then, without waiting for an answer, he sat down, lowered his voice, and said, "I've been, doing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After last match, you know. If the Dementors come to the next one...I mean...we can't afford you to -- well --"

Wood broke off, looking awkward. I glared at him it wasn't Harry's fault,

"I'm working on it," said Harry quickly. "Professor Lupin said he'd train me to ward off the Dementors. We should be starting this week. He said he'd have time after Christmas. Juls is as well"

"Ah," said Wood, his expression clearing. "Well, in that case -- I really didn't want to lose you as Seeker, Harry. And have you ordered a new broom yet?"

"No," said Harry.

"What! You'd better get a move on, you know -- you can't ride that Shooting Star against Ravenclaw!"

"He got a Firebolt for Christmas," said Ron out of nowhere making me jump. He sat down next to me making us all squish together, I looked over at him smiling a little.

"A Firebolt? No! Seriously? A -- a real Firebolt?"

"Don't get excited, Oliver," said Harry gloomily. "I haven't got it anymore. It was confiscated." And he explained all about how the Firebolt was now being checked for jinxes.

"Jinxed? How could it be jinxed?"

"Sirius Black," Harry said wearily. "He's supposed to be after me. So McGonagall reckons he might have sent it."

Waving aside the information that a famous murderer was after his Seeker, Wood said, "But Black couldn't have bought a Firebolt! He's on the run! The whole country's on the lookout for him! How could he just walk into Quality Quidditch Supplies and buy a broomstick?"

"I know," said Harry, "but McGonagall still wants to strip it down --"

Wood went pale.

"I'll go and talk to her, Harry," he promised. "I'll make her see reason...A Firebolt...a real Firebolt, on our team ...She wants Gryffindor to win as much as we do...I'll make her see sense. A Firebolt...."

I rolled my eyes at him, he was obsessed with Quidditch. He then got up and walked away, Harry moved along so I moved up to have more room.

"Have you seen Hermione?" I asked looking at Ron. He scoffed shaking his head,

"Probably in The Library, like she always is" I sighed at his behaver.

"Well I'm going to go and see her" I said getting up but Harry grabbed my hand saying,

"I thought you were helping me with my homework" I sighed then said,

"Harry, I'm sure you can do it by your self" then I lent down and kissed his cheek, then walked away picking up my books what were on the floor and heading out of the common room. I got my copy of Hogwarts, a history out and started to read it on the way to The Library, thinking that hardly anyone would be out of their common room because it was 7:00pm and people will be catching up with friends. So I was reading and walking at the same time, I pushed up my glasses as the reached the end of my nose but then I must of walked into someone  because next minute I'm on the floor,

"Juliet! are you okay" I saw hands gathering up my books, I looked up to see Cedric. I went wide eye staring at him. I haven't talk to Cedric in ages, I stood up taking the books off him.

"Err hi Cedric" I said pushing my glasses back up to the bridge of my nose, I always do that when I'm nervous or being shy.

"I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you in a while, I've been really nervous talking to you since you found out that I'm your half brother and-" I dropped my books again and hugged him, I felt him put his arms around my waist and lifted me up and we just hugged for about 5 minutes. He let go of me putting me down smiling at me.

"Cedric, I don't care that you're my half brother. You're still my brother and I love you"

"Good because I love you too" I smiled and hugged him again,

"Spend the night in Hufflepuff?" he asked with a grin, I smiled again nodding.

"Sure, but I just have to go and see Hermione first. I'll see you in 20 minutes?" i asked he nodded then picked up my books again giving them to me saying bye and walked away. I smiled all the way to The Library.


Hey guys just a short but cute chapter. Next chapter is going to be about Hermione and Draco's friendship. I hope you like it, please tell me what you want to happen with Hermione and Draco

Also please vote and comment.

Thank you xxxx


Juliet Diggory (HPFF/ HPLS) SLOW UPDATES Where stories live. Discover now