*Juliet's P.O.V*Today has been been shit, everyone has found out about my power. The looks people are giving me makes me want to cry, no one would sit next to me in class incept for Draco and Blaise but I don't have every class with them as all my classes are with Gryffindor because I didn't want to change my timetable when I got re sorted.
All the teaches keep on giving me certain looks what said 'I'm sorry' and all that shit. After classes I ran into a bathroom to cry. And here I am three hours later still crying, no one has come to check on me because no one cares. No one cares about the freak. Not Hermione, not Ron and not Harry.
I let out another sob, why does this have to happen to me? What I have I done to deserve this?
I stood up and looked in the mirror I could see the veins under my eyes and my cheeks. I looked down at my hands, they had a blue tinge to them. I looked back up looking into the mirror, maybe I should start wearing makeup to hide everything. Yeah next time I go to Hogsmeade I'll go into 'Madam Clair's Boutique' that's where I got Hermione's makeup from. If she wasn't so scared of me she would of come with me...
"Juls?" A voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts, I turned around to see Fred.
"Hey Freddie" I mumbled turning back around to look in the mirror, I started to pinch my cheeks to see if that brought any colour to my skin but nothing happened.
"What are you doin'?" He asked, I could see him walking forward in the reflection of the mirror.
"Trying not to look dead and ugly. And don't even say you're a Veela" I snapped towards the end getting sick of people saying that.
"I wasn't going to say that, I was just going to say you're a very beautiful dead person then" I giggled and turned around to look at him, he was in front of me now smiling down at me.
"Why aren't you scared of me?" I asked looking down at my feet. He sighed and pulled me into his arms, I tried to pull away saying.
"Freddie, you'll get cold"
But he ignored me and whispered in my ear,
"You're my Juliet, I cloud never be scared of you. Neither could George" I started crying again holding on to him for dear life.
"I love you Freddie" I said after a minute or two.
"I love you too" I smiled and pulled away knowing that he was getting cold.
"Come on, dinner is in about five minutes. You can sit with me and George." I shook my head.
"I promised Ced I'd sit with him. He wants to keep a eye out on me." I said looking away. He knows about my past when I was with the Marauders...
"Okay, but you're sitting with us at breakfast tomorrow."
"What about Lee? He might me scared of me." I asked tears threatening to spill again,
"He isn't, he was saying earlier how he didn't understand why people were being so horrible. 'It's just a power' he said" I smiled to myself, maybe some people will except me.
"I'll sit with you tomorrow then"
"Well now that's sorted, lets go down to dinner." I nodded and held out his arm, I giggled then looped our arms together. I picket up my bag that was in the floor near the door.
Not a lot of people were going down to dinner as we were a little early but we saw a few people from each house. Mostly Ravenclaws for some reason. But I didn't see Cedric which worried me a little. As we got closer to the hall I got this weird feeling in my stomach, like that feel that you get when you meet someone new. The mixture between excited and nervous but also worry.

FanficSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...