*Juls p.o.v*
i woke up nice and early feeling nice and fresh with Harry as my bestfriend again.
I got up looked around and all the other girls were asleep i looked at the watch, remember the watch Harry gave me well it read 7:20 so its not that early oh well. I went to my mirrow next to my bed and what i sore made me HIGH pitch scream
it woke up everyone in Gryrffindor but mostly the girls in my dorm
"Juls what the-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!!" lavanda said/screamed getting up and taking it out of my messy bun no one has EVER seen my hair down incept Harry that's it not even Mione
"your hair in so long its just a above your knees and its curly imagen when its stright" lavanda said in aw WAIT,WHAT MY KNEES
"WHAT last time i checked its was just below my waist" i said looking down it was so long and Curly like with proper ringlets i have waves not ringlets
"okay the rest of the girls out i need to do my work" lavanda said strictly, so all the girls went out and lavanda went in to the draws and came back with a bag full of hair stuff like hair saucers, hairspray and so on.
"okay i was thinking just to cut it and i could use my magic to make it more neat is that ok?" all i did was nod so she got to work i just wanted my hair gold back. Me and lavanda are friends just friends, she like helps me with Harry and my hair and stuff like that and yes i have told her about me liking Harry in that way and she swear she would not tell a soul
"so you and Harry?" she asked as i could hear the snips of her saucers cutting my hair and i also could hear the smile on her face. i giggled and said
"we are getting closer like when we made up he hugged me from behind and put his head on my shoulder-"
"HE DID WHAT!" she said little to loudly
"shhhhhh" i said turning around to see her smiling her head off
"what?" i asked with raised eyebrow turning back round and again i could hear the cutting and my hair falling to the floor, yes i have very, very, very good hearing and I have a reason for it..... But anyway.
"people only do that when they love each other" she squealed
"really?" i asked getting existed
"yer anyway im done"
"that was very fast" i said but looking at my hair it looked so pretty (picture on the side) i looked at her and hugged her and said "thank you so much "
"anytime" she said, we both quickly got changed and headed down in to the common room.

FanficSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...