Hermione's P.O.V
Shocked I didn't really know what to do, so I just followed his lead and moved my lips a little hoping I was doing something right. I felt his hands rest on my waist a little not much but a little, I didn't know where to put my hands so I just put one on his shoulder and the other just in my lap. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds, which in my opinion is long for a first kiss. When we pulled away we just looked at each other. I stared at him till I finally came to my senses, I JUST FUCKING KISSED DRACO MALFOY!
I quickly got up and started gathering my stuff up,
"Hermione wait!" He said also getting up trying to stop me from going but I got out of his grasp. And I ran. I ran as fast as I could also trying to put my books and quills into my bag, once they were all in my bag I ran even faster as I herd Draco calling after me. I turned a corner and saw Harry walking down it, I let out a sigh of relief. He looked at me confused but stopped when he got to me,
"You okay Hermione? You're crying" He said to me pulling me into his chest, I reached up to my eyes and I felt wetness. Was I really crying? I didn't even know....
"Err I'm fine. I err j-just read a really sad book that's all. You know me with books" I said pulling away and smiling at him. He nodded then asked,
"Have you seen Juls? She said she was coming to me you" I nodded and about to answer but a voice shouted,
"HERMIONE?!" I went wide eye and turned around to see Draco coming around the corner but he stopped in his tracks when he saw Harry.
"Did he just call you Hermione?" Harry whispered to me in shock, glaring at Draco. Harry put his arm around my shoulder pulling me behind him slightly. I smiled to myself a little, Harry was the closet thing I have to a brother and it felt nice that be was trying to stick up for me.
"Oi! Malfoy, what do you want with Hermione?" Harry shouted down the corridor. I saw Draco's eyes turn dark and he glared at us.
"I don't know what you're talking about scar-head! Why would I want to talk to a filthy mud-blood?" I just felt like my heart had just been stabbed. Tears rolled down my cheeks, was he just using me? Is he going to tell everyone that he tricked me into thinking that he actually liked me?
I ran out of Harry's arms, up the stairs and into the common room ignoring everyone as I ran in and up to my dorm. I slammed the door shut and cried, cried for what felt like hours. Until I herd the door open,
"Alright love?" Two voices said, I turned around and saw Fred and George. Shocked I sat up as I used the back of my hand to wipe away my tears,
"How did you guys get up here?" I asked now facing them, they came and sat on my bed. One on my right the other on my left.
"Katie let us up, Harry told us that you ran off crying so we convinced Katie to let us come up" George said, yes I can tell them apart, its easy if you look properly.
"Why?" I asked, yes they were one of my best friends brothers (well not at the moment) but I didn't think they cared that much about me.
"Hermione we care about you! You're are like one of our three little sister. Wait that's two more to the family, Fred we're gonna have to bunk with Ronald" George gasped at the end being very dramatic,
"No! Anything but Ronald" Fred replied, I burst into a fit of giggles feeling better and forgetting about Draco until,
"So are you going to tell us why you were crying?" They both asked, I sighed looking down. Debating with myself if I should tell them,
"D-Malfoy called me a mud-blood again" I finally decided to say, it wasn't a complete lie.
"Next time we play Slytherin I'm gonna hit a Bludger at him" George said glaring at the wall. I let out the smallest laugh. Fred put him arm around me and pulled me into his chest as one single tear fell down my cheek.
"Why does he have to call me that? I already know I'm not a true witch" I said trailing off with my own words. George pulled me out of Fred arms saying,
"Hermione don't ever say you are not a true witch! You are one of the smarts people we know. Please don't ever say that again" I nodded then yawned all that crying has made me sleepy.
"You get some sleep and feel better tomorrow" The both said standing up I nodded and watched the walked out, then I shouted as they were about to shut the door,
"Thank you!"
"Any time Granger!" They shouted back making me giggle. I sighed once again getting ready for bed then got in to my bed and fell asleep without even trying.
Juliet's P.O.V
The first day back so fare wasn't the best. We spent the first lesson outside in the cold with Hagrid, next with Professor Trelawney. We are now learning palmistry, she also had been informing Harry all lesson the he had the shortest life she had ever been able to read. Which I find worrying, yes people think she's a nutter but would Dumbledore really let someone become a teacher who didn't have the slightest bit of seer in her? And when I went into my first year with the Marauders she was in her 7th year and she seemed to predict a lot of true things. (A/N I don't know if she was at school then but please just go with it?)
Now we are at the end of DADA, and Harry had dragged me up to the front to ask Remu about anti-Dementor lessons.
"Ah yes," Remu said , when Harry reminded him of his promise at the end of class. "Let me see...how about eight o'clock on Thursday evening? The History of Magic classroom should be large enough...I'll have to think carefully about how we're going to do this...We can't bring a real Dementor into the castle to practice on...."
We both nodded smiling,
"Thanks Professor" I said to him smirking, he hates it when i call him professor, saying its too weird. He looked at me smiling,
"You are very welcome Miss Black" That made me cringe now he was smirking, I stuck my tongue at him as me and Harry walked out hand-in-hand. He flipped me off causing me to look at him in shock but now me and Harry were already out of the class. I giggled to myself a little it reminded me of when we were at school.
"Still looks ill, doesn't he?" said Ron as we walked down the corridor, heading to dinner. "What d'you reckon's the matter with him?" I became nervous muttering a "I don't know"
There was a loud and impatient "tuh" from behind us. It was Hermione, who had been sitting at the feet of a suit of armour, repacking her bag, which was so full of books it wouldn't close. I smiled at her and went over to her hugging her,
"And what are you tutting at us for?" said Ron irritably, making us pull away from our hug,
"Nothing," she said in a lofty voice, throwing her bag back over her shoulder.
"Yes, you were," said Ron. "I said I wonder what's wrong with Lupin, and you --"
"Well, isn't it obvious?" said Hermione, my eyes became wide. Does she know?!
"If you don't want to tell us, don't," snapped Ron. I rolled my eyes slightly, he was so childish
"Fine," said Hermione haughtily, and she marched off. I tried to go after her but someone grabbed my arm, I turned around to be face-to-face with Ron. I blushed for how close we were, he was bright red himself. I went over to Harry and he put his arms around me glaring at Ron slightly making me roll my eyes again
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FanfictionSLOW UPDATES DUE TO HEALTH *un-edited and a VERY crappy at first as I was young with untreated dyslexia but as you read on it gets better* Juliet Lyric Arias Lilly Irma Eloise Diggory is Cedric Diggory's little sister. A normal witch or so she thin...