chapter 4 hogwarts express

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*Juls p.o.v*

i woke up and remember to day I GO TO HOGWARTS well we go to hogwarts but its not Cedrics first year so IM GOING TO HOGWARTS I remember my first day back in- I MEAN YEER NO I DON'T........ JUST SHUT UP UGH. Anyway I got changed in to a baggy checked red and blue top and navey blue skinny jeens with brown lase up anckle boots with a beenie and a bracelet on my right hand whilst my Veela one on my left oh and my mums ring with my gold hair in a side brade . I looked at my self in my full size mirrow i looked..... okay i guess, then i looked at my clock and it read 9:34AM WHAT WHY IS CEDRIC NOT UP YET i ran in to his room to see him fast asleep i sighed and went down stair got a bucket and filled it with clod water then put some ice in it went back upstairs cedric is so lucky his room is on the first floor so one flight of bloody stairs anyway i went in to his room and poored the water all over him and shouted


"ITS WHAT TIME!!" he shouted not caring that he's socking wet

"9:40AM AND COME ON WE GOTTA GET BACK TO HOGWARTS GOTTA GET BACK TO SCHOOL GOTTA GET ARE SELF TO HOGWARTS WHERE EVERYBODY THINKS YOUR COOL"i sung (A/N yes that from avpm but changed the words a little and if you haven't watched avpm you should)

"WHY THE MERLIN AM I WET!'he shouted looking down

"i had to wake you up some how" i said shrugging and walking i and as i was i herd him say

"only you Juls only you"

*At kings cross station*

"come on Cedric lets go faster" i winned as we were walking to the platform 9 and 10 bit

"Juls we are here" cedric said pointing at the wall is this guy crazy or something

"where" i said lookig around

"though that wall" he said i looked at him wide eye but he just chukled and said hold my hand so i did and hand my other hand on the trolly then i rememered you go through the wall how silly of me to forget some thing like that, so i closed my eyes and ran with cedric

"open your eyes" i herd cedric whisper in my ear so i did and sore a huge red train saying hogwarts express how did I forget you had run thro a brick wall.... And wow its been a long time since i saw this train I mean.... I have never seen this train before in my life. Anyway I don't know how wide my eyes were but i could feel them going dry so i blinked and when i opened them i sore a bunch of girls around us ( oh yer i just rememberd cedrics really popural)

"who's this?" a girl who looked about cedrics age asked

"this is Juliet she's my little sister and is going to be in her first year" cedric answerd putting and arm around me

"awwwwww" all of them said i just smiled at them

"you didn't tell us you had a little sister" the same girl said

"did i not must of slipped mind anywy we need to go" cedric said dragging me along with the trolly to the train. when we had found Jack, Will and Nick we found a compartment and sat down i was looking out the window and they were talking about when they were going to see echother becuase cedrics and Will are in Hufflepuff whist Jack and Nick are in Gryffindor.

after about 15 minutes i got bord so i got my robes out my trunck and said to them im going to find ron or the twins see you and then i went down the train, and fanliy i sore the red head talking to harry i walk in put my robes down and shouted

"RONICKUNS I MISSED YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH" then i jumped yes jumped on to his lap and put my arms around him neck and i felt him arms go around my waist and he said

"i missed you to but you are kanda killing me" i let go and said "sorry its just cedrics so boring" then i rememberd harry was there i got off ron and shouted


"i missed you to Juls" he said hugging back i let go of him and blushed so did he, then we herd

"anything from the trolly dears"

"no thanks im packed" ron said showing his food but harry said will take the lot.

so after harry had brought the hole trolly and he asked us what everything and ron was about to tern scabbers yellow but a girl with bushy hair came in and said

"has anybody seen toad a boy named neville has lost one" i shuck my head and so did the boys

"oh are you doing magic" she said "lets she then" she adden in a bossy tone of voice ron clead his voice and said whist waving his wand

"sunshine, daises butter mellow turn this stuped fat rat yellow "

but nothing happend

"is that a really spell well its not very good is it ofcuse i have only tried a few simple spells my self but they have all worked for me for example" she sid all in one breath and went up to Harry and pointed her wand at him and said again "ocerluse repro" (sp?) and his glasses fixed "thats better now isn't it holy criket your harry potter and your Juliet Diggory the only full British Veela im hermione granger and you are" she said in a rude tone to ron and he anwserd with a moth full of food

"Ron, Ron Wesley"

"pleaser you should be changing in to your robes i exspect we will be ariving soon she said god this girl talks alot then she looked at ron again and said you've got a bit of dirt on your nose did you know" then she walked off ron said

"whatever house she is in i don't" we all nodded.

once we had gotten in to our robes we walked out me and harry had linked arms and ron was walking on the other side of harry and boys were staring at me then we herd hagrid shout

"first years hear over hear first years"

"hi Hagrid" me and harry said but everyone els ewas just staring. me, harry and ron shared a boat and hagrid said forward then the boats started to move then we sore hogwarts my new home once again....I mean ugh JUST SHUT UP JULIET 


not the best but oh well


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