Chapter 1 Into The Light

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Liv sat in her darkened room, the only light coming from the glow of her computer monitor as the final cutscene of Destiny 2: Forsaken played out for what felt like the hundredth time. Cayde-6, ever so defiant even in the face of his death, cracked one last joke. Her heart twisted as she watched him fall for the final time. She clenched her hands into fists, her knuckles white. No matter how many times she replayed this scene, it hit her the same way—like losing someone she cared about all over again.

She had never expected to become so emotionally attached to a character. After all, Cayde was just a bundle of pixels, a voice brought to life by Nathan Fillion. But over the years, as she played through mission after mission alongside him, his wit, his warmth, and his loyalty felt real to her. Liv wished there was something she could do, some way to stop it all from happening. She paused the game just before the final blow and stared at the screen, her thoughts swimming with impossible ideas. If only I could save him...

Exhausted, Liv shut down her PC and crawled into bed. The image of Cayde's broken, deactivated body lingered in her mind as sleep pulled her under. Her last thought was of the Traveler, that massive, mysterious orb hanging over the Last City, its light watching over the Guardians.

A sudden sensation of falling jolted Liv awake, her body weightless and spiraling through darkness. The world around her was a blur of shadows and light, her limbs flailing as she tried to grasp onto something—anything. But there was nothing. Just the sensation of falling.

Am I dreaming? She wondered, her mind groggy with confusion.

Suddenly, her fall stopped, and with a heavy thud, Liv landed on her back. She groaned and blinked her eyes open, expecting to see her familiar ceiling. But instead, her gaze was met by a vast, purple sky, with streaks of sunlight filtering through drifting clouds. She pushed herself up, the cold metal surface beneath her sending chills through her body. She looked around, disoriented, her heart racing as reality slowly set in. This was no dream. It was too vivid, too real. She was on the ground of some metallic platform, and all around her were towering structures bathed in the ethereal glow of a distant Traveler.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she recognized the view. She wasn't in her room anymore.

She was in the Tower.

Liv scrambled to her feet, her pulse pounding in her ears. She spun in place, her eyes wide as she took in the familiar sight of the Tower's plaza. Guardians—real, living Guardians—moved around her, talking, trading gear, and preparing for missions. She could hear the hum of ships overhead, the faint chatter of vendors in the distance. It was exactly like the game, but more tangible, more alive. The air even smelled different—like metal, ozone, and something ancient.

She looked down at herself, expecting to see her usual clothes—sweatpants and an old T-shirt. Instead, she was clad in Guardian armor. Her arms, covered in sleek metallic gauntlets, trembled as she raised them to her face. A faint reflection of herself stared back in the visor of her helmet. The armor was lightweight, fitted, and surprisingly comfortable. She felt powerful, like one of the characters she'd played for so many hours.

Her heart hammered. This can't be real. She pressed her hand to her chest, feeling the steady beat of her own pulse. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, sending a chill through her bones.

That's when she heard the voice.

"Guardian," a familiar, robotic tone echoed softly beside her. "It's good to see you up and about."

Liv turned slowly and came face to face with a floating, spherical Ghost. Its blue eye blinked at her with a casual, comforting glow. "Don't worry," the Ghost said, "you're not the first Guardian to look a bit lost. But don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon."

Liv stared at the Ghost, her mind racing. This was impossible. She was in the game. The Destiny 2 universe was real, and she was standing in the middle of it.

"I—" Liv stammered, her throat dry. "I'm not supposed to be here."

The Ghost tilted slightly, as if considering her statement. "Oh, but you are, Guardian. The Traveler has its reasons for everything. And it brought you here for a purpose."

Liv shook her head. "No. I'm not... I'm not one of you. I'm not a Guardian."

The Ghost blinked again, unphased. "You're here, aren't you? That's all that matters. The Light has chosen you."

Before Liv could respond, a voice cut through the air—boisterous, playful, and immediately recognizable.

"Well, if it isn't our new friend! Welcome to the Tower, Guardian!"

Liv's breath caught in her throat as she turned and saw him. Standing casually against a wall, a cocky grin visible even through his Exo frame, was Cayde-6. His vivid blue optics locked onto her as he gave a little wave.

It was him. Alive. Whole.

Liv's knees felt weak. She had seen him countless times on her screen, but now he was real—right in front of her. His presence, the way he moved, his carefree swagger—it was all so much more vivid, more human, than she had ever imagined. The knowledge of his impending death gnawed at her, but seeing him alive and vibrant ignited something deep within her—a spark of hope.

"Uh... yeah," Liv managed to choke out, her heart thundering in her chest. "I just... I can't believe this is happening."

Cayde pushed himself off the wall and sauntered over, hands on his hips, his casual bravado impossible to ignore. "Believe it, kid. The traveler works in mysterious ways. And hey, at least you're not stuck doing paperwork like Zavala. You'll like it here. Trust me."

Liv could hardly find words. She wanted to warn him, to scream at him about what she knew. But the words lodged in her throat. She had no idea how she was here, let alone how she could prevent the terrible events she had witnessed.

Before she could respond, the Ghost floated between them. "You were brought here for a reason," it said cryptically. "To change what has been written."

Liv's eyes widened as she turned to the Ghost. "What do you mean?"

But the Ghost said nothing more, leaving Liv with more questions than answers.

Liv watched Cayde walk ahead, motioning for her to follow him into the Tower. Her mind was spinning. She was in the Destiny 2 universe, standing beside Cayde-6, and according to the Ghost, "he had been brought here to change his fate. But how could she do that? And at what cost?

She swallowed hard, knowing one thing for certain: she wasn't going to let Cayde die. Not this time.

As Liv followed him into the heart of the Tower, her resolve hardened. Whatever this world threw at her, she would fight to change his fate—even if it meant risking her own life.

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