Chapter 21 Return to the Tower

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The familiar hum of the ship’s engines filled the cockpit as Liv and Cayde flew back to the Tower. The mission on Nessus had been a success—barely—but the weight of what they’d discovered lingered. The Cabal had been digging for something beyond their understanding, and the Vex artifact they’d destroyed had left more questions than answers. Liv’s thoughts churned as they soared through space, the memory of the volatile energy from the artifact replaying in her mind.

Cayde, sitting beside her in the pilot’s seat, was uncharacteristically quiet. He glanced at Liv occasionally, his usual cocky grin absent. She could sense the unspoken tension between them, a mix of exhaustion and unacknowledged worry.

"You good?" Liv asked, her voice cutting through the silence as she looked over at him.

Cayde gave a small shrug, his hand resting on the control panel. "Yeah. Just... thinking about that artifact. Whatever it was, it’s got me on edge. We were lucky this time, but it feels like we’re just scratching the surface of something bigger."

Liv nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. It didn’t feel like just another mission. There’s more going on here, and the Cabal aren’t usually this... reckless."

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of their shared thoughts hanging between them. Liv reached over, resting her hand on Cayde’s arm. "We’ll figure it out," she said softly, her voice full of quiet confidence. "Together."

Cayde’s gaze softened as he looked at her, his usual playful demeanor returning, though there was a hint of something deeper in his eyes. "Yeah," he said with a smirk, "you’re right. We always do."

The Tower loomed ahead as their ship descended into the hangar. The moment they stepped out, they were met by Zavala and Ikora, both of whom were waiting in the courtyard. The tension in their faces told Liv that they already knew the mission had been more complicated than expected.

"You were gone longer than anticipated," Zavala said, his tone steady but filled with unspoken concern. "What happened on Nessus?"

Liv and Cayde exchanged a glance before Liv stepped forward, her expression serious. "The Cabal were after something big—a Vex artifact. We destroyed it before they could figure out how to use it, but it was... unstable. The energy readings were off the charts, and it had a direct link to the Vex network."

Ikora’s brow furrowed, her arms crossing as she absorbed the information. "A link to the Vex network? That’s concerning. If the Cabal were able to access it, there’s no telling what they were planning."

Cayde leaned against the railing, his usual carefree attitude tempered with seriousness. "Whatever they wanted, they didn’t have a clue how dangerous it was. But now that we’ve destroyed it, I’ve got a feeling it’s going to stir up trouble."

Zavala’s gaze remained on Liv, his expression unreadable. "This mission may have been more important than we realized. I want a full report on everything you encountered. We’ll need to prepare for whatever fallout this brings."

Liv nodded, feeling the weight of his words. The quiet between them was thick with unspoken urgency, a reminder that their work was far from over.

"Understood," Liv said, her voice steady. "We’ll get the report to you by the end of the day."

Zavala gave a brief nod before turning to Cayde, his tone softening slightly. "Good work. Both of you."

Cayde straightened, offering a small salute. "Just doing what we do best."

As Zavala and Ikora turned to leave, Liv and Cayde exchanged a glance, the weight of the conversation settling over them. But despite the heaviness of their mission, there was an unspoken ease between them—one that had only grown stronger in the aftermath of everything they’d been through.

After their debrief with Zavala, Liv and Cayde made their way to the Tower’s quieter sections, seeking a moment of peace before diving into the chaos of mission reports. The sun was beginning to set, casting the Tower in a soft, golden light as they found a secluded spot overlooking the City below.

Liv leaned against the railing, her arms resting on the cool metal as she gazed out at the view. The sight of the Last City, bathed in the warm glow of twilight, was comforting in a way that always reminded her of why she fought. For all the battles they had to endure, for all the threats that loomed on the horizon, there was still something worth protecting.

Cayde stood beside her, his presence a steadying force at her side. His usual humor was subdued, replaced by a quiet reflection that mirrored her own. For a long while, neither of them spoke, content to simply stand together in the fading light.

"You know," Cayde said after a moment, his voice soft but filled with that familiar hint of mischief, "I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this serious for this long. You’re not going all Zavala on me, are you?"

Liv chuckled, shaking her head as she looked over at him. "Don’t worry. I’m not about to start giving motivational speeches or anything."

Cayde grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Good. I like you just the way you are."

Liv’s heart warmed at his words, a smile tugging at her lips. "And I like you just the way you are, too. Even when you’re impossible."

He chuckled, his hand brushing against hers as he leaned closer. "Well, we make a pretty good team, don’t we?"

Liv turned to face him, her eyes meeting his as the golden light bathed them both in its warmth. "Yeah," she said softly, her voice filled with quiet affection. "We really do."

Cayde’s gaze softened, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to lift, leaving only the two of them standing together in the fading light. His hand found hers, their fingers intertwining in a gesture that spoke volumes of the bond they now shared.

"I’ve got your back, Liv," Cayde said, his voice low but full of sincerity. "No matter what comes next."

Liv’s heart swelled at his words, the depth of his loyalty and affection clear in every word. She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, a silent promise that she felt the same. "And I’ve got yours," she whispered.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the Tower in shadows, Liv and Cayde stood together, their hands still entwined. The quiet of the moment was a welcome reprieve from the chaos of their lives, but they both knew it wouldn’t last.

The threat of the Vex and the mysterious artifact they had destroyed loomed over them, a reminder that their battle was far from over. But for now, as they stood together in the twilight, there was peace.

"We’ll figure it out," Liv said softly, echoing the words she’d spoken earlier. "Whatever’s coming, we’ll face it together."

Cayde’s grip on her hand tightened slightly, his eyes reflecting the fading light. "Damn right we will."

And as they stood there, side by side, Liv felt a quiet certainty settle over her. No matter what challenges lay ahead, no matter how dangerous the future might be, she and Cayde would face it together.

And for now, that was enough.

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