Chapter 14

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The following day, Y/N and L agreed to keep close tabs on Light. They didn't openly discuss it, but it was clear that their suspicions had grown. Light might not be Kira, but there was something about him that didn't sit right with Y/N. She felt it in her gut.

That evening, as Light left the university, Y/N followed from a distance. She kept her pace steady and casual, making sure not to draw attention. Light seemed too relaxed, almost like he wanted to be seen. He took his time walking, stopping occasionally to check his phone or look at a book display through a store window. He didn't seem to have a clear destination.

After a while, Light turned down a quiet side street and disappeared from view. Y/N picked up her pace, her senses on high alert. But as soon as she rounded the corner, she found herself standing face-to-face with Light, who was waiting for her with a calm smile.

"Following me, are we?" he asked, his tone light and teasing.

Y/N didn't miss a beat. "What if I am?" she replied, folding her arms. "Got something to hide?"

Light chuckled softly. "Not at all. But it seems you have a habit of showing up wherever I go. Should I be worried?"

"Maybe you should," Y/N shot back, stepping closer. "Or maybe it's just a coincidence."

"Funny how often these coincidences happen," Light said. His eyes glinted with a mixture of charm and suspicion.

Y/N could feel the underlying tension in his words. She wasn't buying the innocent act for a second. "So, what were you up to just now?" she asked casually, raising an eyebrow.

"Just heading home," Light answered easily. "But it seems I've caught your interest." He gave her a half-smirk, and Y/N could see how effortlessly he played the role of a polite, charming young man.

"Yeah, you could say that," she replied. "Or maybe I'm just keeping an eye on you, in case you turn out to be Kira."

Light's smile didn't waver, but Y/N noticed a subtle shift in his expression. "Kira?" he repeated, almost amused. "You think I could be Kira?"

"It wouldn't surprise me," Y/N said, her tone both playful and sharp. "You certainly fit the profile—smart, composed, good at hiding your true self."

Light tilted his head, his smile growing faint. "And what makes you think you've seen my true self?"

Before Y/N could answer, her phone buzzed in her pocket, and L's voice crackled through her earpiece. "Y/N, what's your status?"

Without taking her eyes off Light, she answered, "Just running into some familiar faces." She ended the call and gave Light a final look before turning away.

"See you around," she said over her shoulder.

"Looking forward to it," Light replied.

The day after Y/N's encounter with Light, there was a huge development in the Kira investigation. The news exploded with reports of a well-known politician's sudden death. The circumstances were classic Kira style—he died of a heart attack during a public speech, with no apparent connection to any criminal activity. What made it even more confusing was that Light had been in the task force headquarters at the exact time of the incident, surrounded by several people who could vouch for his presence.

L gathered the team in the main room, his expression as unreadable as ever, though Y/N could sense the wheels turning in his head. "It seems Kira has killed again," L began, his voice calm but his eyes scanning the faces around the table. "This time, however, the victim does not match Kira's usual targets."

Matsuda was the first to speak up. "Could Kira be changing his pattern? Maybe he's trying to throw us off?"

"That's possible," L replied, tapping a finger against his lip. "But the timing is what intrigues me. Light Yagami was here, with us, at the time of the incident."

The room fell silent, and Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. If Light was in the building when the killing occurred, how could he have orchestrated it? She shot a quick glance at Light, who looked perfectly composed, even a bit curious. It was almost as if he was enjoying the conversation.

"Does this mean he's in the clear?" Matsuda asked hesitantly.

L shook his head. "It means that either Light is innocent, or Kira is far more sophisticated than we initially believed." He paused, then added, "Or... there are multiple Kiras."

L totally forgot to tell the group about the discovery of second Kira, he only told Y/N.

The mention of multiple Kiras sent a ripple of unease through the room.

"Light, do you have any thoughts?" L asked, turning his gaze toward him.

Light leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful but calm. "If there is indeed more than one Kira, then it's likely that they're working together to distract us," he said. "The fact that this latest victim wasn't a criminal might indicate a disagreement between them or a shift in their goals."

Y/N couldn't deny that Light's theory was plausible, but it seemed almost too perfect of an explanation. She caught his eye for a brief moment, and there was that same look—calm, charming, and unnervingly confident.

"I suppose we'll have to consider all possibilities now," L said, his tone indicating that he wasn't fully convinced either. "Y/N, I'd like you to compile a list of recent killings and identify any that don't match Kira's usual criteria."

Y/N nodded, already piecing together a plan in her mind. She was determined to dig deeper, no matter how perfectly timed the distractions were. Light might have everyone else fooled, but she wasn't about to let him off the hook just because of one convenient alibi. Still, if there really were other Kiras out there, that would change the game entirely.

The next few days were chaotic. Reports of unusual deaths kept trickling in, some fitting Kira's known patterns and others that seemed to come out of nowhere. The team was pulled in different directions, trying to make sense of the new information. It became nearly impossible to pinpoint a suspect when nothing seemed to add up.

Y/N's mind kept drifting back to Light, though. As the investigation grew more confusing, the more she suspected that he was somehow orchestrating it all. But if he was, then he was doing an exceptional job at covering his tracks. Even L, who was always suspicious of everyone, seemed to be leaning toward the idea of multiple Kiras rather than solely blaming Light.

One evening, after another long day of sifting through endless reports and theories, Y/N was about to leave the headquarters when she noticed Light standing in the hallway, talking to Matsuda. He gave her a brief smile as she walked by, but there was something in his eyes—something that told her he knew more than he was letting on. She didn't know what he was planning, but one thing was certain: Light Yagami was far from innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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Written By Fate ||L Lawliet x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now