Chapter 7

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The dim glow from the hotel room's single lamp illuminated the clutter of papers spread across the table. Y/N sat cross-legged on the bed, flipping through her notes as her eyes kept darting over to L, who was sitting at his desk with his usual slouched posture. The air was heavy, and both of them were deeply engrossed in their work—or at least pretending to be.

L hadn't moved in hours, his focus seemingly unbreakable. But Y/N? She was restless, her eyes continuously flicking toward him. There was something intriguing about the way he worked, the way his eyes scanned every little detail, always a step ahead. She found herself smiling, her mind drifting as her gaze lingered on him.

"You know," Y/N started, her tone playful as she closed her laptop and stretched, "we've been at this for hours. Don't you ever take breaks?"

L glanced up, his fingers still typing away at the keyboard. "Breaks are unnecessary when there's work to be done."

Y/N grinned, leaning back on her elbows, her voice teasing. "Always so serious, huh? Don't you ever just... relax? You're gonna wear yourself out at this rate."

L barely acknowledged her words, but Y/N wasn't one to back down. She hopped off the bed, walking over to his desk with an exaggerated sway in her hips. She leaned over his shoulder, her hair brushing lightly against his cheek as she looked at his screen. "So, what are you working on?"

L's posture stiffened for just a second before he glanced sideways at her. "Just reviewing some data. Nothing you'd find particularly interesting."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh? You think I wouldn't understand? I'm offended, Ryuzaki."

L blinked at the mention of his alias, and Y/N took the opportunity to press further. "Speaking of... Why Ryuzaki? It doesn't really scream 'world's greatest detective.' More like an idol's name."

L tilted his head slightly, finally turning his attention away from his work. "It's just a name I use for security purposes. Kira won't be able to connect it to my real identity."

Y/N leaned even closer, her voice low and playful. "Come on, there's gotta be more to it than that. Ryuzaki? Really? Were you a fan of some pop idol back in the day?"

A small, barely-there smile tugged at L's lips. "It's purely a name of convenience."

Y/N pursed her lips, stepping back just enough to give him a teasing look. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Ryuzaki." She emphasized the name, letting it roll off her tongue in a way that was undeniably flirtatious.

L glanced at her, his expression as unreadable as ever, but there was something in his eyes. Amusement? Curiosity? She couldn't quite tell, but she knew she had his attention.

"Does it bother you?" L asked, his voice calm but with a slight edge, as if he were actually curious about her answer.

Y/N shrugged, stepping back to lean against the desk, arms crossed over her chest. "Not really. I mean, it's kind of cute, honestly. Just seems like an odd choice for someone who's, you know, not into cute things."

L returned to his screen, typing again, but Y/N noticed the brief pause in his hands. She had rattled him, even if just a little.

"You're not scared of him, are you?" she asked, her voice suddenly dropping the playfulness, but still laced with curiosity.

L's hands stilled. He didn't look up right away, taking his time before answering. "Scared of who?"

Y/N leaned closer again, resting her chin in her palm as she watched him intently. "Kira. Does he scare you? You wouldn't be hiding behind a fake name if you weren't at least a little afraid of him."

L slowly turned his head, his gaze meeting hers. His eyes were as calculating as ever, but there was a spark of something else there—something darker, colder. "Fear doesn't factor into it. It's about staying cautious. Kira has a pattern, and I intend to remain a few steps ahead."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. "So you're not afraid. Not even a little?"

L gave a short, almost dismissive shake of his head. "No."

Y/N chuckled softly, pushing herself away from the desk and walking back to the bed. "Well, that's no fun. Here I was hoping you'd admit to some fear, make this whole chase a little more exciting."

L's eyes followed her as she settled back on the bed, stretching out and letting her legs dangle over the side. "Fear clouds judgment. I can't afford that."

Y/N grinned, resting her head in her hands as she watched him. "You're too rational, Ryuzaki. Ever think about what would happen if you let yourself feel a little more?"

L glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "Feel what?"

Y/N's smile widened, her voice dropping into a more suggestive tone. "Oh, you know... excitement. Thrill. Maybe even fun."

L blinked, his expression stoic as ever, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes. "I don't think that's relevant to this case."

"Maybe not to the case," Y/N replied, shrugging. "But it might make life a bit more interesting. And I bet even you could use a little fun, L."

He didn't respond immediately, his gaze returning to his work, but Y/N knew she had him thinking. She always did. The subtle flirting, the way she prodded him—it was her way of getting through that thick wall of his.

The night continued on, the quiet ticking of the clock reminding Y/N just how late it had gotten. She let out a soft sigh, finally breaking the silence. "Alright, I should probably get going. I've pushed my luck enough for one night."

L looked up, his eyes briefly scanning the window. It was dark, the city outside quiet and still. "It's late. You should stay."

Y/N blinked, surprised. "What, like here? With you?"

L nodded, his expression unreadable. "It's safer. I'll take the couch."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips as she sat up. "Oh, so you do care about me and my safety? How sweet."

L didn't seem fazed by her teasing, simply standing up and grabbing a blanket. "It's practical. You shouldn't be walking around this late."

Y/N's smirk grew as she stood up, stretching. "Alright, fine. I'll stay. But only because you offered. And you're taking the couch, huh? What a gentleman."

L gave her a brief glance, his eyes steady. "It's more comfortable for you that way."

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully as she flopped back onto the bed, making herself comfortable. "Whatever you say, L."

L moved to the couch without a word, pulling the blanket over himself as he settled in. Y/N, meanwhile, stared up at the ceiling, a satisfied smile on her face. She'd gotten under his skin, even if just a little. And she was starting to realize that she liked being around him, teasing him, pushing his buttons. It was fun—more fun than she'd expected.

As the room fell into a comfortable silence, Y/N let her thoughts wander. There was something about L—something that intrigued her. Sure, he was brilliant, but there was more to him than just his mind. She could feel it. And maybe, just maybe, she could break through that tough exterior of his.

L, for his part, lay on the couch, his eyes closed but his mind still racing. Y/N was a puzzle, one he couldn't quite figure out. She was smart, playful, and dangerously good at getting under his skin. And despite his best efforts to remain detached, he couldn't deny that her presence made the long nights a little more bearable.

The case was far from over, but tonight, for the first time in a while, L felt something close to comfort. And that was enough to make him question everything.

Written By Fate ||L Lawliet x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now