8: a progress

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It's been a week since I started sending Ashi flowers, doing random acts of service, and—most importantly—pestering her whenever I got the chance.

Her reactions were priceless every time.

Annoyed? Yes.

Irritated? Absolutely.

But if I was honest, there was something about how she'd blush when I teased her or how she'd grit her teeth while fighting a smile.

I was getting her.

I knew I wasn't alone in this pursuit either. Gian, Sace, and Colen were all in on it.

Everyone had someone they were chasing. Gian had Sam, Sace was after Mali, and Colen—well, Colen was having the time of her life trying to rile up Jai.

Today was going to be different, though. I'd decided to step things up a notch.


"Hoy, Mavis!" Sace's voice echoed through the hallway as she jogged over to me, slightly out of breath.

"Nakausap ko si Mali kanina. She mentioned something about Ashi liking sunflowers."

I raised an eyebrow, my interest piqued. "Sunflowers? Hindi rosas?"

Sace nodded, her mischievous grin growing wider. "Yeah, sunflowers. Apparently, may malalim na reason. Mali wasn't clear on the details, though."

I glanced toward Ashi's locker. She wasn't there yet, which gave me a little time to plan my next move.

Sunflowers, huh? It was a shift from the usual blue and red roses I sent, but if this was something Ashi actually liked, then maybe it was the way to go.

"Alright" I said, already feeling the wheels turning in my head. "Sunflowers it is. Good job, Sace."

Sace grinned, pleased with herself. "No problem. Besides, the more you interact with her,  gives me hope for Mali."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "You better hope Mali doesn't catch on too quickly. She's not exactly the easiest to crack."

Sace nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, but that's part of the fun, di ba? Anyways, are you ready for the next plan?"

I glanced over at Gian and Colen, who were lounging near the entrance, clearly waiting for their own moments to pounce on Sam and Jai.

We had a system, and it was working—slowly but surely.

"Let's make today interesting" I said, already heading toward the exit to get my hands on some sunflowers.

"You guys with me?" I asked

"Of course" Gian chimed in, pushing herself off the wall. "Sam and I got a lot of things to do pa— bebe time"


Later that afternoon, with a bunch of sunflowers in hand, I made my way back to the school, trying to keep cool despite the butterflies that were starting to take flight in my stomach.

I wasn't nervous—I didn't get nervous—but something about this sunflower situation felt different.

Maybe it was because it wasn't just a random romantic gesture; it was something Ashi genuinely liked.

As I rounded the corner, I spotted her near the gym, talking to Mali and Jai.

I took a deep breath and approached them, the sunflowers hidden behind my back.

"Hey, Ashi!" I called out, grinning when she looked up at me.

Ashi immediately scowled, though there was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. "What now, Mavis?"

Jai nudged her, whispering loud enough for me to hear, "Sigurado ako, mangungulit na naman yan."

Ignoring her, I stepped in front of Ashi and, with a dramatic flourish, pulled the sunflowers from behind my back, presenting them with a flourish. "Para sa'yo."

Ashi blinked, her expression somewhere between surprise and suspicion. "Sunflowers?" She raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged, doing my best to look casual. "I heard you liked them."

She looked from me to the flowers, then back at me again. "Where did you hear that?"

"Mali" Sace piped up from behind me, earning an immediate elbow to the ribs from Mali, who looked mortified.

Ashi narrowed her eyes at me. "And you thought giving me these would do what exactly?"

I chuckled, stepping closer. "Honestly? No idea. But if it makes you smile even for a second, that's a win for my heart."

Ashi stared at me, her expression unreadable, while Mali and Jai exchanged knowing looks.

She glanced down at the sunflowers again, and for a second, I thought she was going to throw them back at me like she did with the roses.

But she didn't.

Instead, she sighed, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Mavis."

"Only for you" I quipped, not missing a beat.

A faint smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she quickly hid it. "Whatever. Thanks for the flowers, I guess."

Victory. I could feel it in the air.


As the day went on, I kept my distance a little more than usual.

I wanted to give Ashi space to think—space to process the fact that I wasn't just messing around.

She might not realize it yet, but I wasn't doing this to annoy her. I was doing this because, well, I actually liked her.

And I wasn't the type to half ass things when it came to someone I cared about.

By the end of the school day, I was standing by the gates, waiting for Gian, Sace, and Colen to join me.

Ashi passed by with her friends, casting a quick glance my way before looking away just as fast. The sunflowers were still in her hand.

My heart skipped a beat.

Sace sidled up next to me, grinning. "She kept the flowers."

I smirked, watching Ashi disappear down the street. "Yeah. She did."

Gian nudged me playfully. "That's a progress, right?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of pride swell in my chest. "Definitely a progress."

Colen, ever the realist, chimed in. "Just don't screw it up."

"Wouldn't even dream of it" I replied, watching as the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the campus.

I had a long road ahead of me, sure, but if today was any indication, it was a road worth traveling.

'masyado na akong malayo para ihinto...'

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