10: maybe, just maybe

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The world felt like it was spinning, slowly coming back into focus as I blinked against the bright hospital lights.

My throat was still sore, and every breath felt like a reminder of the stupid mistake I made earlier—eating that muffin without paying attention.

I had been so caught up in my schoolwork that I didn't even notice the peanut flavor. I should have known better.

I sighed, my chest heavy with frustration and a bit of fear. Allergic reactions weren't new to me, but every time it happened, it felt just as terrifying as the first.

My gaze drifted around the small room. I was in the campus infirmary, the same place where I'd been patched up a few times before—mostly after bumping into Mavis's chaotic crew.

Speaking of which...

"Mavis..." I muttered, my voice hoarse, and instantly, I felt a wave of irritation wash over me.

Siya na naman.

Of course she'll be involved in this. She's been relentless these past few weeks—flowers, stupid notes, trying to help me carry my books, all these acts of service I never asked for.

And now, the muffin stunt. It was always something with her, wasn't it? But this? This was different.

"Putangina..." I groaned softly, pressing a hand against my head as it throbbed. My body still felt weak, but the epinephrine shot had done its job.

Slowly, I started to feel a little more stable. Still, I couldn't shake the thought of what had just happened.

Footsteps echoed down the hall, and before I could fully collect myself, the door creaked open.

Of course, it was Mavis. Her face was pale, eyes wide with worry, and for the first time, she looked completely serious—none of that smug, teasing energy she usually carried around.

"Ashi" She called softly, stepping inside. "Okay ka na ba?"

I shot her a look, not even trying to hide my irritation. "Okay? You almost killed me, Mavis!"

Her face fell, and for a split second, I felt a twinge of guilt.

But then I remembered how my throat had closed up and how scared I'd been. No, I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily.

"Sorry! I didn't know—" She started, rushing toward my bed.

"Exactly!" I snapped, sitting up straighter despite the dull ache in my body. "Hindi mo alam, and that's the problem! You keep pestering me, doing all these things, and you don't even know anything about me!"

Mavis flinched at my words, her lips pressing into a tight line. "Ashi, I—"

I cut her off, the frustration boiling over. "Do you even realize how dangerous that was? Peanut allergy, Mavis. It could've been worse if you hadn't gotten me here in time. I could die!"

She ran a hand through her hair, looking more frantic by the second. "I'm so sorry. I swear, I didn't mean for this to happen. Someone told me you liked peanut butter muffins, and I thought—"

"Then that someone didn't know either" I interrupted, shaking my head. "But you should've asked. You should've paid attention."

Mavis stood there, wringing her hands, clearly struggling to find the right words.

She was never this flustered around me, and part of me wanted to enjoy seeing her like this—finally feeling the weight of her actions.

But I couldn't fully enjoy it. I was too tired, too shaken by what had just happened.

"Ashi" She finally said, her voice softening, "I really didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to do something nice. Gusto ko lang mapasaya ka."

That made me pause. I stared at her, trying to gauge whether she was just putting on an act again.

But for once, she seemed sincere.

There was no smirk, no teasing glint in her eyes. She actually looked worried—genuinely worried.

Still, it didn't erase the fact that she had been careless.

"You don't get it, do you?" I said, quieter now, my anger fading into exhaustion. "You think all these gestures will magically make me like you, but you don't even see me, Mavis. I'm not just some game you can win with flowers and muffins."

She opened her mouth, probably to defend herself, but I shook my head before she could speak.

"I'm tired. Pagod na ako sa lahat ng‘to. All this chasing, all this—this constant back and forth. I don't have time for it. I don't have the energy."

Mavis stood there, staring at me like she'd been slapped. I could tell my words were sinking in, and for once, she didn't try to brush it off with a joke or some cocky remark.

"I'm sorry," She said again, her voice almost a whisper. "I really am."

I sighed, leaning back against the pillows, my body still too weak to hold up all the frustration I was feeling. "Just give me some space, okay? I need to breathe."

There was a long silence between us, and for a moment, I thought she might actually listen. That she'd finally leave me alone.

But this was Mavis.

Instead of leaving, she stepped closer, hesitating by the edge of the bed. "Ashi— I really care about you. That's why I've been doing all this stuff. I just don't know how to show it the right way."

I blinked, caught off guard by the admission. "What?"

"I know it doesn't seem like it, but I'm serious about you" She continued, her eyes searching mine.

"I just don't know how to show it without screwing up. I'm not good at this, okay? I'm not used to caring this much about someone."

For a second, I didn't know what to say. Mavis had always been this larger-than-life presence in my world—loud, obnoxious, always getting in my face.

But now, standing there, she looked almost… vulnerable.

I didn't know what to do with that.

"Mavis" I started, but the words got stuck in my throat. I wasn't ready for this conversation, not now, not after everything that had just happened.

"Just think about it," She said quickly, as if sensing my hesitation. "I'll give you the space you need. But I'm not giving up on you, Ashi."

She turned on her heel and walked out of the room before I could respond, leaving me sitting there, staring after her, completely bewildered.

What the hell just happened?

I slumped back against the pillows, letting out a long breath.

My mind was racing, replaying everything she had said. Was Mavis really serious about me? And more importantly —was I ready to deal with whatever this was?

As much as I hated to admit it, she wasn't just some annoying presence in my life anymore.

There was something more to this—something I hadn't fully acknowledged yet.

Maybe Mavis wasn't the only one who needed to think about things.

Maybe I was too, just in denial.

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