Family Ties

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It was a few days later and Ellie was down with the flu and when she goes down, she goes down hard. And to Damon and Caroline's disappointment, she could not go to the Founder's party. But she insisted that they go to the party without her.

It's not like parties is a thing she enjoys.

Caroline realizes that for once people are putting her in their top priorities. It was nice.

Even Damon cared for the blonde teenager that quickly came into their lives. Someone needs to look out for her. Her friends suck and her parents leaves a teenager unattended. She started sleeping over at Ellie's when her mother does not come home.

Damon wore a black suit for the event and Caroline wore a yellow dress.

Ellie was laying on the couch in fluffy pajamas with a mountain of blankets on her. After Damon fed her some chicken noodle soup, did they leave. Ellie quickly fell into a deep sleep. Not even the dead will wake her up.


At the event, Damon successfully stole Emily's necklace.

Damon met Caroline's mother and he was introduced as her new friend's father. Sometimes people think that Damon was a teen father with how old he looks. But he does not care.

At the event, Damon successfully stole Emily's necklace.

Damon ate some food and met some of the locals. He also met Jenna and they talked about teenagers and their dramas.

Caroline and Elena were in the bathroom, talking about the night. The mark of Caroline's neck was better, but it left a ugly bruise. The bite mark slipped out of the scarf, making it visible for Elena to see.

"Oh god, Caroline, what happened?" Elena exclaimed in horror.

"Nothing, ok?! That is nothing."Caroline tried explaining, but Elena was interrupting her the whole time, thinking of the worst situation.

"Did Damon hurt you?"

Caroline snapped,very confused on how she was thinking that,"No! Of course not! Just let me talk, ok, Elena?!"

Elena run off before Caroline could stop her and she decided to go to Ellie. Not wanting to deal with the drama. She texted Damon about the situation, hoping that he would read it.

Elena run outside and sees Damon.

"God! There is something seriously wrong with you. You stay away from Caroline or I will go straight to her mother, the sheriff. You got it? Stay away from her." Elena wrongfully accused him. He just stood there very confused on what happened.

Elena found Stefan and they talked," I'm sorry. I take it all back. You're completely right about Damon."

"What did he do?"

"There are bruises all over Caroline's body. You don't look surprised." Elena told him.

Stefam informed her,"Um... I'm handling it. I'm so sorry. I have to go."

Damon saw the text from Caroline and called Ellie. Hopefully the girls are safe at home now. He was a bit distracted and did not hear Stefan sneaking up on him and successfully injecting him with vervain.

The necklace fell out of his pocket as Stefan carried an unconscious Damon to the Salvatore Boarding House.

Bonnie walked as something pulled her to the necklace and she took it home.

I did what I had to do... To protect Elena, to protect everyone. Yes, Damon, the headline reads "Deadly beast captured. All is well in Mystic Falls."

As soon as Caroline got to the house, she changed into pajamas and slept on the other couch near Ellie. Both of the girls were out for the count, not realizing what happened to him.

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