Plan B

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The next day,Caroline is alone in the living room. Elena joins her on the couch.

"You want me to take you home?"

Caroline sighed and softly said," I can't go home. I'm scared."

Elena gently told her," Why are you scared? Caroline, you can talk to me."

" Katherine's gonna be there and she's gonna want me to tell her everything that happened today. She told me I had to spy on you and report back to her."

Elena told her," I know and I've been so mad at you. But then, I tried to put myself in your position so that I could understand why you would do this to me and to Stefan because he's been such a friend to you. Who did she threaten?"

Caroline burst out in tears,"Matt, she threatened Matt and Ellie and I'm so scared of her Elena! I am so scared of her."

She embraces Caroline, trying to comfort her. She was starting to be scared of Katherine and her plans. She can not lose anyone else.


The next day, it was a charity event at the Lockwoods.

Elena and Bonnie were walking on the lockwood property. Bonnie told her,"I know where I stand, Elena and I know where you stand but where do we stand?"

"You're my best friend, Bonnie. I didn't mean to let this craziness with Caroline get in the way of that but she needs you too."

Bonnie could not believe that Elena accepted Caroline as a vampire and Damon's daughter. They are pure evil in her eyes,"Yet, I just… she's a vampire, I can't. I think we should get back."

Bonnie had a vision of Mason kissing Katherine and helped Damon to basically kidnap the guy.

She used her powers to find the moonstone in a well. Damon threatened Mason and told him,"I am only letting you live, because of Ellie and maybe in the future your nephew might need your help. I am not so heartless."

Mason left town, grateful that he is still alive. He owns Ellie a big favor.


Ellie was with Caroline, searching for the moonstone. Caroline opens the well. They look into it with a lamp. Ellie offered to go down, knowing that it is probably filled with vervain.

Caroline told her," Be careful."

" I'll only be down there for a minute." Ellie reassured her as she went down the well.

As she got to the bottom it was filled with vervain. She was glad Caroline was not in the well. She starts to search for the stone. As she grabbed a wooden box, a snake wrapped itself around her arm.

"Ah! Get off me! Pull me up!"

Another snake is on her. She can't stop screaming.

Caroline pulled her up and grabbed her to safety. She chucked the snakes from her.

They both let out their breaths in relief.


Elena and Ellie were having dinner with Jenna and Alaric. Jenna handed Elena the phone, "Did you enjoy your little rendezvous with Stefan this morning? I will always know, Elena. I will always be one step ahead of you. When are you gonna figure that out? Do you know how easy it was to get inside of your house? To replace Aunt Jenna vervein perfume to convince her to stop drinking her special tea?"

Jenna and Ellie were in the kitchen, making a chicken stir fry. Ellie noticed something off with her behavior, but did not think to much about it.

Elena was in disbelief and said,"No."

"Jenna's been my little spy for days now. Unlike you, Jenna actually listens to me so when I suggested that the world would be a much better place if she was just…"

Jenna is holding a knife toward her. Ellie saw what was happening and tried stopping her from stabbing herself.

"Jenna no!"

Jenna stabs herself in the stomach. Ellie was able to make sure the force she used was not much. Ellie got cut on her hand. Alaric and Elena rush toward them.

Ellie saw all the blood streaming out of Jenna and all the blood on her hands and she passed out. Alaric luckily caught her before she hit her head.

In Mystic Falls' hospital, the siblings were talking.
Jeremy asked her," Is Jenna okay?"

"The doctors told Alaric that she got lucky. She's gonna be okay. Ellie got some stitches and went home with Damon."


Damon took Ellie home. She fell asleep in the car. He carried her to her room and gently laid her down, covering her with a blanket before he walked to the living room.

How is he going to protect her. She seems like a magnet for dangerous situations. Why did he want her to have friends again? If only he kept her in the house, then nobody could have hurt her.

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