Memory lane

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The next day, Ellie was discharged. When she got home ,she spent most of the time catching up on her schoolwork.

Damon got Caroline a ring and learned her how to feed and erase their memory. To his surprise, she quickly learned and was one on the first vampires he had seen that can control themselves.

Stefan and Elena found out about werewolves and the Lockwood secret.

Damon knows how Ellie feels about different species of the supernatural. She wants to learn more and maybe find one of hers. Damon always knew she wanted her powers back. He knows she will always walk around with the burden of what her mother did to her.

Ellie, Damon and Caroline are at the Gilbert's house for a barbecue. Damon walks into the kitchen,while Mason was there.


"We haven't met. Mason Lockwood." They shook hands.

Damon introduced himself,"Oh sure. Damon Salvatore."

Elena is on the porch, alone. She calls Stefan but he doesn't answer so she leaves a message

" Hey. Just checking in. Did you get my message about Jenna's barbecue? Call me when you can."

Caroline and Ellie arrived and sat  down with her with a bowl of chips.

Caroline asked her,"Is that Stefan?"

" Yeah, he hasn't called me back. I try to decide if I should be worried"

"I'm sure he's fine." She stuffs some chips in her mouth.
"God! I cannot stop eating. Stefan says it's a great way to sublimit the cravings. It's horrible just fighting the urge for blood every minute of every day."

"I know that Stefan really hates that part of himself."

Ellie looked at the two and knew something was off. Caroline was fine yesterday. Damon told her the lessons went excellent. She seems jittery, nervous even.

Later, they are playing Pictionary. Damon is drawing a wolf with a tutu.

"Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna yelled out

Carolin exclaimed, "Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!"

Damon shook his head no and Mason spoke up,"Dances with the wolves."

Jenna went to the kitchen to get dessert and Ellie as the person she is, went along to help her.

"It is very weird to see Damon with a daughter as nice as you. You sure he raised you? " They both laughed and Ellie said,"He might be an ass to others, but he is the best Dad I could have asked for. I knkw I can always count on him to have my back."

They got plates and forks for the dessert and went to the table.


Stefan tricked Katherine, injected her with vervain and tied her up in the basement.

"Go ahead Stefan. t*rture me, keep me c*ptive, drain me of my blood until my body turns to dust. It'll never change the truth. I never compelled your love. It was real and so was mine."


Elena was getting worried for her boyfriend and decided to leave early. Caroline offered her, "How about I drive you?"

"Yeah, okay, that'll be great, thanks."

Elena goes into Caroline's car. Caroline deflates a tire and goes into the car.


Stefan looked at her with disgust," So you sent 26 of your friends to their death, just to fake your own? No, you were running from something. What was it?"

Katherine answered him,"Everyone has a past, Stefan. Mine needed to stay far far away but thanks to you my plan nearly failed it even began. Once George told me that the round up was imminent, i made sure I could see you one last time but your father used your love for me against me, he poisoned your blood. And Damon being Damon, nearly ruined everything."


Mason and Damon were in the kitchen while Jenna and Ellie talked about books in the living room.

Mason stated to him,"I'm not your enemy, Damon."

"You tried to kill my brother."

" That was a mistake. I was confused; I couldn't chain myself up in time. I have no control once I shift. I lost my brother, my nephew lost his father. I'm here for my family. Let's be above this."

Damon sternly told him,"We can live in peace. But once you even try to hurt someone I care about. You will wish you were dead. Okay?

Mason nodded and they shook their hands.


Elena and Stefan realized that Caroline were spying on them and they came up with a plan.

They were in the Mystic Grill,"Yeah, I know, I get it. She's dangerous. But every day that we are together, it's dangerous. Why are you giving her so much power over our relationship?"

"This is the reality of our situation."

Caroline is listening to all their conversation.

Elena told him," This is what she wants. She wants us to fight. She wants to get between us."

Stefan raised his voice a bit and said,"She already has, Elena."

They look at each other and she leaves.

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