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Lingling was fidgeting with her motorcycle keys when they were out

"Oh no you don't" Orm said


"We're calling a cab" Orm said.

"Why? We have Korn"

"Lingling you're high as fuck" Orm laughed.

"No. I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine" Lingling protested.

Orm stood in place, she folded her arms in front of her, her face serious.

Lingling rolled her eyes then and said "fine, we'll call a cab"

When they got one and got in Lingling was still grumbling

"I don't know what the big deal is, It was just wine"

"Lingling" Orm started

"I mean I know it's wrong, but I know exactly when I'm not in the state to ride. And then I don't ride. I'm responsible like that"

"Lingling "

"You really need to trust my judgement of my drunkenness" Lingling went on


"Yes!" Lingling said, looking at Orm .

"We're alone. On our date night. In the back of a taxi. So can you stop grumbling and maybe... Hold my hand?" Orm put her hand out to Lingling.

Lingling looked at her hand and said

"I'm... sorry... but I don't wanna hold your hand"

Orm looked at her eyes, trying to understand if she'd heard right

"I wanna hold you" Lingling said, shifting closer, Orm smiled, and Lingling put her arm around her, Orm snuggled closer too.

Lingling leaned her face closer until she could press her nose into the side of Orm's hair and took a deep breath

"How did you make a day of babysitting feel so good?" Lingling asked softly

"Hmmm" Orm hummed, she was enjoying the proximity. The wine was making her feel a good kind of light-headedness too, just enough for her to forget any fears or worries, just enough for her to allow herself the pleasure of giving in to Lingling's cute advances

They stayed silent in the cab, their hands joint, their fingers playing, Lingling made a brave move to place a soft kiss just under Orm's ear,

"Lingling.." Orm whispered in warning

"Does it feel good?"

Orm nodded

"Can I kiss you some more?"

Orm looked towards Lingling then, and saw the hunger in her eyes. The sight was enough to make Orm feel turned on too. That feeling of Lingling 's velvety lips on such a sensitive spot on her neck had made her heart race, but if she let her kiss her skin some more there, she would end up grabbing hold of her face and kissing her lips out of pure desperation. And she didn't want their first kiss to be in the back of a cab.

"You make me feel like a teenager" Orm said with a smile.

"That's good isn't it?"

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