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When the cab stopped and they got out, Lingling stared with wide eyes at the house in front of her.

"You rich or something?" Lingling said

Orm laughed, "Come, walk me to my door?"

"Yes" Lingling said as she squeezed Orm's hand and they walked to her doorstep.

"I'm guessing there's no chance you're inviting me inside tonight?" Lingling teased when they paused in front of her door.

"Not tonight," Orm said sweetly. "Play your cards right and maybe then..."

Orm stepped closer to Lingling , "Maybe then?" Lingling asked, as her hands itched to gently hold onto Carina's hips.

Orm caressed the side of Lingling's face and got real close to her ear and whispered

"Maybe then I'll let you see my favourite, special, red,..." Orm paced her words,

Lingling didn't realize she was holding a breath, waiting... to hear the word 'lingerie'.

"What?" Lingling asked softly,

Orm brought her face in front of Lingling's and whispered really close to her lips

"My favourite, special, red..."

Lingling's breathing had turned shallow, the woman clearly had such a strong effect on her, and she knew it. Orm knew what she was doing. Lingling almost let her hands reach out to hold her, so that she would stay that close

Lingling wanted more, she wanted to cause Orm the same sensations that Orm was causing in her.

"What?" Lingling whispered, her eyes closed, wanting to imagine what Orm was going to tell her.

"...Red velvet cake recipe" Orm said then. Lingling opened her eyes to find Carina standing up straight, mischief in her eyes, yet an innocent smile on her face.

"You're a vixen" Lingling stated,

Orm burst out laughing.

"Thank you for dropping me home Teerak. You'll get home safe?" Orm asked with some teasing tone.

"What did you call me?" Lingling asked, amused.

"Nothing, I said thank you for dropping me home. Now will you get home safe?" Orm repeated, keeping the endearment out this time .

"I will. Thank you for giving me the chance to explain."

"Thank you for caring to clarify" Orm said in response, as she turned the key in her door.

"You know, I'm still kinda drunk, if you kissed me right now, we could pretend it never happened" Lingling suggested.

"Where do you get these ideas from?" Orm laughed

"You're laughing, so I'm gonna take that as a sign that you're considering it" Lingling said confidently.

"Lingling , when I kiss you, I want you to remember it as clear as daylight"

"I won't remember anything else" Lingling said in response.

Orm was moved with the answer. She blew Lingling a kiss from the door and said

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