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My heart starts to sink
To the epitome of what I think
There's no one else to help me, there is nothing around,
There is no more falling, I've done hit ground.
The shallow breath i take.
My body trembles and shakes
All the broken promises i make
Every option had a stake

Isn't it what they always say?
"Tomorrow is another day, So fuck it anyway,"
Back to our neverending game we play.

Every moment that passes by
Wares and tairs me down inside
Testing my strength in my mind
Leaving peace and patience far behind

You want answers I don't know
You want proof I can't show
I thought I would be honest and let you know
Ive reached the bottom with no where to go.

Im alone, It's empty and dark
I look up and see the mark
I made here in this wall of this hole
I been here before
Familiar place for sure

And I forgot why your here

 My Darkest PlaceWhere stories live. Discover now